Hey peeps of WTFRPG, I am trying to come up with a slice of life role play but the catch is that you can only play one character but you pay that person simultaneously in four different time period. Let's say you create a "Protagonist" character, you will have to play that protag in 4 different stage of that person's life: their childhood, teenage years, pre-adult life, and adulthood.

You play as that one character normally in all four threads, but you can open up different plots and storyline as the role play goes along. You can create and trigger events in one time period that could be made in their different stage. For example, if your childhood character made a promise to a friend in the past, you can play out that promise in their pre-adult life. Another example would be if your adult self remembers a great/sad event from the past, you can then play it out in their childhood or teenage years. Hope that example helps get a general idea of what I am striving for.

You are also not forced to create your character in their four stages of life. You can create one in just a specific time period or up to the four that I am striving for.

You may also create an older(up to +20) or younger(up to -10) than the average age group of current characters. But this will be limited to 4 role players. Everyone else must be at majority age group. These character can be siblings, friends, teachers, kouhais, and senpais, etc.

Brief Time Period Explanation:

Period One: Toddlers to early middle schools (Average Age: 8-12)

Period Two: Teenagers in high school (Average Age: 15-19)

Period Three: Post Graduation. Going out to work or pursuing a higher education (Average Age: 18-25)

Period Four: Adulthood and the final product (Average Age: 30s+)

If anyone is interested, I can set it up. I just do not want to come up with a snazzy jazzy opener/introduction for this. I just want to open up a thread, write down the rules, and get started on this. So who is in?