So, it's 12:05 AM and it's officially Monday. I have work today, 10 - 6. Immediately after I get out of work I need to drive down to the cape and drop off my friend who has been staying with me the past few days and visit the boyfriends family and have dinner. But after that, I'm coming home and relaxing! Woo! In some silence!

And then officially, my hectic schedule will be over. I have a lot of things to do but I don't think I'll get started on them until Tuesday. Gonna catch up in my games, tie up some loose ends and work on some mod stuff. I noticed a huge jump in active users after a recent lull so I want to take advantage of all the site activity while I can.

Not sure many people read this boring rambling, but it's late and I feel a little detached from the site so yeah. Thanks for reading - if you did!