My Potential character:

Name: Elba Millsmith
Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 28
Physical Description: Elba is a fairly average for a human. Average in height, weight, build, looks... In fact, if there was a stereotype for what a human looked like, it would be Elba. She doesn't stand out in a crowd, blending in admirably. Her brown hair is usually pulled back into a simple braid that falls down to her mid-back. Her round face is covered with tanned skin and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose. She has plain brown eyes that, from time to time, have the sparkle of intelligence. She seems to be fairly fit all things considered, but doesn't have an enormous bulk of muscle or the lack there of.

Elba dresses plainly, but tends to wear pants more so than skirts. She doesn't wear the traditional robe or cloak of wizards, instead opting for the simpler garb. She doesn't often wear armor, but she usually keeps a plain short sword strapped to her hip.

History: Elba was born the third of four children to Genna and Luc Millsmith. Unlike her other siblings, she didn't stand out in anything in particular. Her eldest sibling, Luca, is considered a great beauty with the finest voice in the area. Her older brother Petre is known for his fine looks and athletic prowess. Her younger brother Eno, showed tremendous artistic talent and smithing skill at a very young age. She was the perfect middle child. Average and unassuming in every way. Soft spoken and no non-sense. She never caused any trouble. Until she developed her magic. When she came into her power, it was clear that plain-girl Elba was anything but.

The Millsmith family owns a small farm along a river where they mill grains to sell at market. They are a well respected family and hardworking. Luca married well and Petre now runs the farm with their parents. Eno has apprenticed in the nearby town to a well known jewelrysmith.

Elba developed her talent as many sorcerers do- at puberty: which came late for her. Her parents had already assumed she would simply work the farm with them until she wed a nearby lad and then worked a farm with him. But her powers came on suddenly and explosively. She managed to set fire to their barn, burning most of it down after getting into a bit of a tiff with her brother. Elba is the first person in her family to have magical talent so far as they know, but there were rumors about a crazy great aunt of her father who may have had some sort of skill.

She quickly managed to get some control of her powers, but her parents, suddenly realizing that she wasn't as average and plain as they thought, immediately contacted the nearest Sorcerer- who happened to live in the large city of Mellin a few hundred miles away. He immediately came for her to make her an apprentice since he had none and there were no other people within the area who had any magical skill.

So, at the age of 15, Elba, began her apprenticeship to the Wizard Daveen the Green. She traveled with him to the city of Mellin where she studied with him for only 2 short years before he sent her away to apprentice under a more powerful wizard who skills more matched her own. From Daveen, she learned the basics of controlling magic and magical theory. At 17, she traveled to the capital city Grand Ammer to train under the High Sorcerer Alin Locke- a riveen who showed more magical ability than anyone else in generations.

While Elba is nowhere near as talented or magically gifted as her master, she is still one of the most powerful magicians of her generation. High Sorcerer Locke only took on two direct apprentices, Elba and ________. However, under the High Sorcerer, she was trained in several other skills aside from magic and taught only to use magic as the last resort. All in all, she is now much more of a swordsman and scholar than a Sorcerer.

Non-Magical Skills:
Cooking and baking
Sword Fighting

Magical Abilities:
Elemental Magic (Fire and Air based)

Favorite Spells:
Fire Sword (creates an aura of flame on a weapon)
Smoke Ring (creates a ring of "solid" smoke that can trap someone within it)
Hot and Cold (makes things either hot or cold by transferring heat from one thing to another)
Hot Tornado (makes a column of spinning fiery death)
Quick Step Potion (a brew that add a few steps of speed to one's movement)
Air Potion (a brew that speeds up healing by oxygenating the person who takes it)

Extra Stuff:
Elba is soft spoken and does her best not to make waves or cause strife. She often goes unnoticed by those around her and she likes it that way. Many people consider her to be a boring milquetoast without much of a personality.

Elba loves a good cup of tea. She likes a nice hot cup and most often uses her magic to keep her tea warm. She is forever in search of the perfect cup of tea.