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Thread: everybody wants to be a cat [hi]

  1. #1

    everybody wants to be a cat [hi]

    hi. my name's sara and try not to judge me by my ooc. i'm here from gaia, twilight sky and fragile things, all of which i've found mostly worthless, if only because i'm kind of picky and let's face it, gaia is one big rp fail. i don't like to get too personal about myself but i will tell you that i'm more than legal, and i am obsessed with my cat, if not all cats.

    i have years and years of roleplaying experience, not sure when i started but c'mon that doesn't matter. i only do modern realism (and when i say realism i really really mean it lol) i like generic conversations, organic situations and people who pee once in a while and maybe brush their teeth. i also mainly do homosexual pairings but can be convinced otherwise.

    here is a brief sample(s) so you know what i'm about.

    try to read the first 'letter' part in a southern accent. its much better that way i prawmis

    "We the jury find the defendant, Beatrix Theriote, guilty."

    It would be the last time Beatrix heard the gavel bang, but it wouldnt be the last tim she'd hear or feel the metal around her wristsgand ankles, or rough hands on her biceps, leading her from the courtroom. It would be the last time she saw this, just outside the courthouse, where the van was waiting to take her away from civilization. Defending yourself with more than one stab wound was frowned on in Louisiana, according to a jury of her peers.

    "dear laika,

    i cant write so well with how the shakes got a hold of me now. my last drink was a few days ago from the flask my lawyer offered me. i think he was givin me a sip but i downed that vodka like it was water. not much help in here unless i beg and even then they think my sufferin is a part of my prison sentence. they call this place a correctional facility but can you tell me what ive got that needs correctin? i gotta smart mouth the gaurd says, a real smart mouth that'll get me in the worst kinda trouble but really, what kinna trouble is worse than this?

    theres all kindsa women in here, the kind that wanna eat me out and make me their bitch but i aint no ones bitch laika. i think they just lonely, maybe im not as lonely as them but there aint no kind of pussy i would ever want in here. i know how they bathe and it aint with clean soap ill tell you that. .

    they ask me where im from and what i did that got me in here for twenny years. self defense i tell them but i guess thats a real common answer cause it had them laughin in my face. some girls in here for drownin them babies and im in here cause i was tryin to protect myself. some justice system huh? the warden says i aint gonna get no trouble in here though. im a hero in their eyes, killin rapists and lady beaters is an honerable thing. not accordin to that jury.

    im real sorry laika. im gonna miss you somethin terrible, just like i miss alcohol but if im bein honest alcohol cant be my best friend like you can. i think you care about my liver a little more. no one gonna care about me in here thats for sure. im already countin the days in my head. are you gonna come visit me, they got those rooms with the phones and the glass and the other ones with the table and pop machine. im sure that shits so old but the women dont care. lemme tell you though that prison aint a good look on me. the soap makes my skin all alligator dry and my nails are already chippin on the cement blocks.

    im sure you look as fine as ever, i cant wait to seethat face of yours. i miss you. say hi to niko for me.

    your angel raiisen hell in the worst of places,

    hi roleplay with me please.

  2. #2
    Monarch Schizophrenic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hey there Sara, Welcome to WTFRPG!

    I haven't heard of those last two sites but, it's nice that you've given us a chance! I'm sure you'll come to agree we aren't worthless here! ^^

    Hahaha, I just realized that in the roleplay world, you don't see many characters who stop to use the bathroom. xD I like how you think.

    Are you only interested in one x one roleplaying or do you ever join groups?
    And I hope you have not a single still moment.

  3. #3
    Elite Utopia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The City of Townsville
    Because the cats the only cat who knows where its at. Awesome. And welcome. Lots of great roleplays around here. You should have fun.

  4. #4
    @ schizo: I haven't done a group in ages only because i m not too reliable when it comes to those so I mostly do one on ones.
    @utopia: aristocats is my favsies.

  5. #5
    Legendary Adventurer Brook V's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Welcome to WTFRPG! I hope you'll have fun here.
    Zone District

    "The journey is more important than the destination"

  6. #6
    Elite Utopia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The City of Townsville
    Hehe, Artistocats is one of my favorites as well.

  7. #7
    thanks C:

    it's my favorite next to sword in the stone

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