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Thread: Luck of the Draw: Plot Ideas

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  1. #8
    Imperial Ruler Xavirne's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Cape Cod
    The 12 Warriors of Legend

    As you could probably guess, this is a save the world kind of story. Long, long ago the world was living in a prolonged state of peace. That peace was threatened one day and the world was on the brink of destruction. A power hungry god sought to eat the planet's life stream and become an all mighty god. This selfish act caused two of the godly guardians to stand up and fight off the evil. When they realize their strength was no match for this greedy foe, the sought out the help of a beast. Together, the three were able to weaken the fiend. Sending his powerful fool into hiding, the three guardians reigned over the land and brought back the peace that once existed.

    Years of peace and happiness were soon stirred up when that same monster came back. Stronger than ever, it ripped the world apart. However, just as all was about to be lost, twelve spirits came to the rescue. Using all their might and power, they sealed this evildoer away in the abyss within the planet's core.With the planet being reborn, a new set of guardians were needed to keep the piece. However, as the years went on, it soon became evident that one of the three guardians was seeking a corrupt life. Turning against the other two, this creature went off to rally an army to rebel against the humans.

    Although his battle has since been foresee, no one could guess the turmoil that would shake the planet. In a last ditch effort to save the humanoid race, the two guardians called out to another planet that could sustain life - Earth. Entrusting the fate of their world in the hands of a select group of humans, they pray that these heroes harness the reincarnated spirits of the past twelve warriors. However, no one is certain they have the power to save the world...


    Fire: The Fiery Hope Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Snake
    Ø Personality: Although hot-headed and fiery, this warrior’s spirit is better known for its ability to lead and ignite hope in others. This spirit believes in itself and will not back down no matter the odds.
    Ø Family Life: Raised with a younger sibling, the human that belongs to this spirit often tends to protect the young and the weak. Came from a happy family, so it doesn’t understand the qualms of a troubled life.

    Thunder: The Raging Storm Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Horse
    Ø Personality: This spirit has a wild side unlike any other. It tends to disobey authority and often seeks out drama. A nasty temper runs deep in this spirit, but only because it does not wish to be tamed or broken. When behaving, this spirit is looked to for strength and courage.
    Ø Family Life: Being one of seven children, it makes sense that this human be of a rougher nature. It was just a part of their life to make a fuss and get the attention. Even with such a large family, this spirit enjoys the chaos of a large family and often laughs when others frown and fight.

    Water: The Sincere Healer Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Frog
    Ø Personality: Since the beginning, this spirit has had a heart unlike any other. Always ready to assist those in need, this spirit is the definition of a kind soul. Not an ounce of hatred courses through its veins. Although, don’t let its sweet ways confuse you for the spirit is no pushover as its emotional outbursts are known to break dams.
    Ø Family Life: With their parents dying in a car accident, this human was raised by a kind foster family. It is with this family that this human learned compassion and kindness. Not coming from a wealthy family, this spirit has learned to use its resources wisely and doesn’t seem to comprehend the issues involved with money.

    Ice: The Ice Child Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Polar Bear
    Ø Personality: Youth surrounds this spirit, which is the reason it is so lighthearted and friendly. Always seeking out the fun and exciting life, this spirit can be quite the handful. Even though fun and games are great, this warrior spirit does know when to crack down and get serious. Its strength lines in its defense. No matter the situation, this spirit will not let down its friends in need.
    Ø Family Life: Having an older sibling has been both a blessing and a curse. Being the younger of the two, this human was spoiled rotten. Because of this, they were often bullied and considered a pushover. This brutal lifestyle has opened the human’s eyes and allows them to see when others are in pain.

    Dark: The Loving Shadow Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Black Leopard
    Ø Personality: One would often assume that this soul is tormented and tortured, but it is quite the opposite. Understanding the strength of darkness and loneliness, this spirit is able to make the best of all situations. And, because of this, there isn’t a thing this spirit cannot do. When its heart and soul are poured into something, this spirit will fight to the death. An unwavering devotion to protect its sibling, Light, pushes this spirit on.
    Ø Family Life: Even though Dark and Light are twins, they were not born with the same father. Being raised in separate worlds, it is understandable as to why these two cherish being together. It is their bond for one another that help them connect with the others and express the joys and sorrows of having a broken family.

    Light: The Bitter Ray Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Dingo
    Ø Personality: Stubborn and driven by the desire to work alone, this spirit doesn’t appear to have a pinch of light in them. However, this is far from true. The fear of being alone is what drives this spirit to act roughly, but this is only because it doesn’t want to admit that it depends on the strength of friendship. Always pulling through at the last minute, this spirit refuses to let others take the glory of battle.
    Ø Family Life: Even though Dark and Light are twins, they were not born with the same father. Being raised in separate worlds, it is understandable as to why these two cherish being together. It is their bond for one another that help them connect with the others and express the joys and sorrows of having a broken family.

    Wind: The Cool Breeze Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Eagle
    Ø Personality: This spirit has always been a popularone.Everyone idolizes and seeks theguidance and help from this friendly spirit.Silence tends to keep this spirit from turning aggressive.To this day, it is rumored that this spirithas yet to lose its cool.
    Ø FamilyLife: Raised as an only child, thishuman’s parents were super protective of their own chance at giving life toanother. This spirit was enrolled in allsorts of self-defense classes, which is why this spirit is able to dodge and avoid many attacks. Although it does notunderstand why people use words to fight, this spirit has a deep passion forlearning and welcomes the change that is bound to come.

    Earth: The Dirty Imp Spirit
    Ø BeastSpirit: Spider
    Ø Personality: This perverted and devious spirit reallyknows how to get on someone’s nerves. Always joking and messing around, this spirit is a real prankster andtends to get the others into a load of trouble. However, its antics do have wonderful perks! This is the only spirit that is completely unpredictable. No brain could ever outwit this sneaky fiend.
    Ø FamilyLife: Would it surprise you to knowthat this spirit’s mother was a prostitute? Well, it shouldn’t! This humanwas raised the wild side of life. Fun, games, parties, lights, and whores galore! Ever since its youth, this spirit hastaken a liking to the spotlight and often enjoys making others feeluncomfortable. This human is probablythe least liked of the group, but its sneaky plans and brilliant tactics areneeded nonetheless.

    The Smug Green-thumb Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Beaver
    Ø Personality: Humble. Yeah, right. This spirit is conceited and haughty. There isn't a single thing this spirit won't boast about. It does, however, has a soft spot for Mother Nature and gardening. As you might have guessed, this spirit really likes to flaunt its green-thumb skills to the point of being annoying. However, every coin has two sides. The less degrading side of this spirit us actually pretty laid back and calm.
    Ø Family Life: Coming from a rich a snobbish family, it might make sense that this human act in such a way. Being an only child, but having to endure living with a foster child (Water) for a small amount of time. After about a year, they returned Water and bought their child a forest. Since then, this human has been living off the fat of the land and loving every minute of it.

    Steel: The Bracing Athlete Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Turtle
    Ø Personality: Aggressive and a strong just doesn't seem to cut it when you try to describe this spirit's personality. Maybe adding edgy, perfectionist, and competitive would make more sense. Either way, this spirit is a royal pain in the ass. Cocky as hell and a bit too headstrong, too. But all in all, this spirit does have one hell of a backbone and isn't one to let those in need down.
    Ø Family Life: From the get-go, this human had always been competitive and a sporty person. Being the younger child of three, this human had some high expectations to live up to. Its elder sister went on to win national championship for her tennis skills. The middle child went onto law school and is now one of the top defense attorneys in the nation. As you could assume, the weight of those before this spirit really helped shape its life.

    Celestial: The Starry-eyed Wanderer Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Monkey
    Ø Personality: Definitely the hopeless romantic of the group. This spirit is always seeking love and peace and will do anything to get in tune with the heavens. Guided by a pure heart and a virgin mind (and body), this spirit is not one to understand the more perverse ways of life.
    Ø Family Life: Growing up with a spiritual family, it would make sense that this human be so in love with the idea of their being a greater being and spirits. Born an only child, this human doesn't always understand the deep rooted compassion between family, as it believes its family is god.

    Sound: The Blinded Singing Spirit
    Ø Beast Spirit: Bat
    Ø Personality: Without the ability, you would think it would be a hard and difficult life. However, this is not true for this spirit. Even without a pair of seeing eyes, this spirit knows its stuff by using its other senses. Its tolerance levels are peerless, as it can put up with just about anything. Soften spoken and gracious, this spirit has a voice unlike any you've ever heard. It'll either break your heart or it will lift your spirits up.
    Ø Family Life: The majority of this spirit's life was spent in a hospital. Sickly and ill, this poor human had to endure one rough childhood. After a series of surgeries, this spirit was finally able to 'see' the world and was released from the medical facility. Eager to explore and live life, this human brings a bit of freshness and enthusiasm to the group.
    Last edited by Xavirne; 12-15-2011 at 08:45 PM.

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