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  1. #1
    Nameless NPC ruin our friendship's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Olivia had no idea who this utter buffoon was, but the doctor seemed to be quite interested in talking to him, so that ruled out all options except for two- he was either some off-duty staff member, or some random asshole who had caused a security breach. Given his attitude, both were likely. He didn't seem to be very apologetic for having made a rather rude gesture at the both of them, however accidental it could have been. The animal specialist began to take in rather deep breaths, clutching at her snake carrier until her knuckles went white from the tightness of her grip. She would get through this without exploding in front of the doctor, she had to.

    'In, and out. In, and out. In and out. In. And. Out. In. And. Out. In.And.Out. Inandout. inandout. inandoutinandoutinandout.' God, her life was absolute hell. Having to put up with the goddamn Russian mob holding a knife to her throat, whoever this asshole was. In fact, she was so preoccupied with bemoaning her own life that she completely missed the initial part of Dr. Wu's conversation with whoever this was. She was engrossed enough to have missed his name, if Dr. Wu had even said it. Truth be told, Olivia only tuned back in when the man in the tacky Hawaiian shirt mentioned her and the snakes.

    All hope (not that there was much to begin with) of Olivia being able to get through the situation with a few deep breathing exercises was cut off abruptly by her blood rising into her cheeks. To anyone uneducated in her temper, Olivia would have appeared rather flustered, or perhaps flattered. Ironically, the girl calmly set down the snake carrier, and began to fiddle with the clamp holding the carrier in place. "I swear to the actual fucking god I would slam your face into this thing and see how pathetic you get when you're squealing," she murmured under her breath, sliding a glove onto her right hand, before picking up the larger of the two snakes. The pit viper was placated, of course- she wasn't going to take any actual risks around the doctor.

    Hopefully this asshole wouldn't realize it though. The snake swayed low on her hand, its eyes dilating as it examined its new surroundings. Olivia approached Donald, holding eye contact with a rather irritated look in her eyes. "Please fucking tell me you're not actually here to-" Goddammit. Dr Wu's words confirmed that he was going to be at least a temporary addition to the genetics team that the doctor had been harping on about for weeks. "What the actual hell," she whined, slightly lowering her snake hand. She faced the doctor with a look of absolute incredulity, as if she was hoping that maybe he had mispoken, or that this man was not the right person. It didn't look like either of those were good possibilities, as Dr. Wu seemed to be rather serious.

    Meanwhile, Owen was being confronted with a person that he disliked almost as equally, though he admittedly had more reason to do so.

    "Hey, Grady!" Oh, how wonderful. Just what he needed right then.

    Vic Hoskins was a plague to inGen. The man made it clear that he was more concerned about commercializing the dinosaurs even more so- taking them out of their extremely secure archipelagos environment, and dumping them into a war-zone. He could remember something rather witty an author had written- the dude who had been involved with the Isla Nublar incident back in the 90s- 'capitalism killed the cat', or something along those lines. It had been significantly wittier in writing, and it certainly came out strange to his co-workers when Owen hissed it under his breath.

    Owen descended the steps of the stairs around the border of the raptor enclose with quickness, glaring as Vic approached with his crew in tow. All thoughts about the sweltering heat and his raptor squad had been shoved to the side, he wanted to know why exactly they were here, and if it was just because Vic wanted another looksy at the enclosure. It was only when the two military men actually met that Owen caught sight of the far more interesting view of Samosa hauling ass over to two hooligans who had slipped through security. "Yeah, this can wait." The raptor handler pushed past the man, watching the scenario unfold with a grin on his face.

    Samosa was more than capable of handling it, which was exactly why he wasn't charging over to assist. At least, that was his alibi if she asked why he was so calmly strolling towards her instead of actually making any attempt to help with the two clearly drunk tourists. There was a liquid on the ground, though it already seemed to be evaporating in the heat. Just went to show how awful it was on the archipelagos this time of year.

    By this point, most of the people around the raptor enclosure had turned to watch Samosa corral the two drunkards- it was probably the best entertainment that they were going to get all day.

    "Is it like herding small cats?" Leave it to him to fill the air with the most ridiculous of rhetorical questions. He was grinning widely at this point, a certain spark in his eyes. She certainly had seemed to put the fear of lizards (the general substitute for gods on this island) into them, what with her rather threatening explanation of how the little Compsognathi would swarm and kill them. Did it in a rather timely fashion, too.

    "I swear, they shouldn't have even let tourists onto this island to begin with." This particular chunk of land was mainly used for containing rather uncontainable and bestial lizards, but despite that there was a moderately popular attraction on the island, which was probably how these few drunks had gotten here- hopped on the ferry, arrived, and had promptly stumbled out of the boundaries to go and pour their beers into the shrubbery of enclosures. He'd offer to give the little dinosaurs a finger, if it wouldn't permanently give them a taste for human blood.

  2. #2
    Background NPC echoplex's Avatar
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    Because he shared such close proximity with Olivia, Dr. Wu balked having been well within an earshot of her utterance. He grimaced, but not nearly as hard as Donald did. The man was so angered by her advance that he threw his sunglasses across the security floor. One of the passing guards was kind enough to retrieve them, but when they were returned to his person, he panicked and threw them a second time. Following a full-body flinch, Donald faced Dr. Wu, stabbing at him with a gesture redolent of his dismay. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” he howled. The entire line of security system administrators fixed their attention on the situation as it unfolded. “Who is this lady? Fuck, you can’t call her that. Do you guys not screen for your test teams? I mean, for fuck’s sake, you’ve let Medusa traipse into your security office toting all of her goddamn spawns.”

    “Enough, Mr. Churches. And enough from you as well, Ms. Shire. We’ve come here to conduct business. Truthfully, the two of you are indebted to us given the circumstances. Now, if you’d like to discuss these sensitive matters in front of the entire security team than please, by my guest.” Donald frowned, pushing back a lock of hair. Although it was unordinarily cold in the office, he felt a bead of sweat slither down the slope of his forehead, as if it were one of Olivia’s serpents. “Given the delicate nature of the subject, I will ask that we relocate. In addition—” Dr. Wu cleared his throat as he unfastened his cuff-links. Clearly, the exchange between Donald and Olivia aggravated him. “I request that the profanity be kept to a minimum. Although we are, technically, behind closed doors, we remain sequestered within a professional environment. Eyes are everywhere, Mr. Churches and Ms. Wildes. Regardless. Follow me, please.”

    He lead them into a small, encased room two levels down underneath the security atrium. The walls were blindingly white, decorated shelves decked from top to bottom with fragments of amber and egg shells. As he gestured for the two to sit, he, obsequiously, poured himself a cup of black coffee. He felt it wise not to offer the two any caffeine after their tantrums. “I’ll be curt. We’re in need of small field team to assume the role as tourists but study the attractions, in addition, we require that they collect samples and intel.” He pressed his lips in a line, fetching a dossier from the desk situated near the coffee pot. “I’ll have you both sign these. We’ll erase all debts with whichever debtors—that has already been arranged. Agree to the terms, work for us and in a few years ‘ time, you may return to your lives. However … natural you may think they are.” He smiled, although, it was unsettling with Donald—Dr Wu was a gentle and very soft-spoken man, but had a sinister air to him and it worried Donald profusely.

    Like a wild ox, Samosa snorted. “Not even remotely. I like cats.” She tossed one of the miscreants towards a van that peeled in from the main road. More of her men filed from the vehicle, most ordered in on Vic’s behest, but two apprehended the drunks, escorted them into the back of the van and departed as swiftly as they materialized, leaving Samosa and Owen to observe the cage from the ground. Truthfully Samosa only knew Owen on a first name basis because she protected his coveted enclosure from wandering slackjaws who felt that the main attractions weren’t titillating enough. That, fortunately, was only a percentage of the time. The other fraction she was conscripted to thwart trespassers, specifically the one whose focus was to abduct the velociraptors. They were harmless when incapacitated and easily transported. Samosa was informed because she worked with them once upon a time, however, briefly. She enjoyed her brief stint with them but likened security more.

    “Sam.” Vic cried down to her from the barrack. The bridge overhead was sturdy, but Samosa feared the small, squat little man would fall through the rebar.

    “’Aye?” she responded. He circuited around the stairwell and beckoned her up. For a moment she locked gazes with Owen, as if to ask him to save her from her tormentor, but by the second she blinked Samosa was on top of the platform behind Vic who was eagerly awaiting the show.

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