After nearly an hour of soaking in hot water and looking like a wrinkled prune, Yuka dragged herself out of the bathtub. The warm water had this fox demon feeling rather groggy, if it hadn't been for the cuckoo clock which cuckoo-ed hourly, Yuka would have fallen fast asleep. She dressed in a casual cotton tank top and cotton shorts. She had never been one to fret about her clothes, she would wear what ever was comfortable, even if it sometimes resulted in her appearing as if she was homeless.

She brushed her unruly hair and wrapped a towel around it too soak all the water. Yuka squinted as she looked into the mirror, she swore she could see just the tiniest formation of a hive on her face, but she shrugged it off as nothing. Yuka was downstairs in a flash, she flicked on the television and caught one of her favourite evening shows.