The woman felt astonished. What ever happened to the love-struck idiot he was just a little while ago? It was like a complete turn-around. Apparently, she was way off the mark before. This man in front of her seemed... strong somehow. Suddenly, Selene realized she was gaping and wide eyed. Quickly fixing her facial expression, she mumbled under her breath, "They don't do that..." even so, her voice was weak and slightly shaken as she said it. Hardly convincing at all, but the young woman wasn't expecting him to lick her wounds.
Gathering the little courage she had left, Selene spoke a little louder now.
"...I apologize for my rude behavior earlier today, My Lord," she said dropping her arms to her sides and bowing lightly. Her cheeks got a pale color of pink, mostly from embarrassment that started to rise after being called an angry child...
"I am-- a little hungry," she admitted finally, while avoiding a direct eye contact.