If you can get back on and I don't respond it's because I stepped away to get a bandaid I just cut my finger open.

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Anyway, I guess on the description front (because I am clearly inarticulate today even with notes). It's a matter of figuring out what is important, what is relevant, and using OOC as the tool it was meant to be. As a roleplay you have an audience of one to maybe six people, and you have the ability to convey information to your extremely limited audience that no other writer has. Use the OOC to your advantage if you can forgo a particularly dense description by saying something in OOC then use it. Saves you and your partner / or group time . . . plus in a group setting it means people are less likely to waste time fixating on your description and actually roleplaying / interacting . . . which is the good stuff.

---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------

This isn't to say you won't describe thing, you will and a little flurish here and there isn't bad . . . but less is more, use the dense stuff sparingly.

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

I am AFK from my comp at the moment, if you do come back. There is an update on my car I'm going to see about. Might need to leave to grab dinner too.

If you're stlll good about talking RP I'd love to chat / discuss . . .

---------- Post added at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

MAY CAR IS OKAY! I'm going to go pickup that bitch and be back in a little bit.

And I do have stuff to say about:

"little motions like when a character puts there hand in their pocket type of thing." <--- Favorite this to talk about / roleplay / develop because people ain't do this right! >D

and this one: "I would really like to make my characters come to life and have a defined personality and work on my posts." <--- Goes in tandem with the little motions! >D