"Sorry, Jessi..." Leah turned the full force of her puppy-dog eyes onto her friend and fellow RPer. "I was just trying to protect you, you know that."

Zachariah shook his head disgustedly. Raphi coughed, a slight grin on his face.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing..." Raphi stood from where he sat on the floor, as did Zachariah. They both gazed pointedly at Leah, and she slowly flushed.

"Guys, I know I'm short, okay? You don't have to rub it in, geez."

"Ah, sorry, Leah. Guess we just couldn't resist. You know you're cute when you're mad," Raphi told her with a smile.

She flushed even more before marching over to the door and yanking it open, almost hitting Megan with it in the process. "Okay, time for bed, we're all tired, get out, okay? We've got a busy day planned for tomorrow, so we don't need anyone oversleeping!"

"No, we don't," Zachariah said flatly, looking at her on his way out.

"Hey, that was just once! The coffee machine hadn't been delivered yet!" She called after him as he strolled down the hall to the apartment that he shared with Raphi, the pale-haired young man in question following after.

She was about to slam the door, the rethought it and closed it quietly. Turning back to the other two girls, she forced a smile.

"So. I'm tired. Are you two tired? I bet you're tired. I'm off to bed. Night!"

With that, she traipsed over the bed adjacent from Jessi's, flopped down onto it, and turned her back to the room.