Some might have been wondering why I haven't been posting much recently, and I do have a semi- excuse. School's back up and running, and for those of us who are still in school, that's a big deal. Unfortunately, my utter lack of sleep means less dreams, my ridiculous 11 hours daily away from home because of my hour long commute means I have less time for both homework and writing, and the lack of new General Rated roleplays on the site means I don't have much to post or have a roleplay to go play with. This saddens me.

I'll still be here, though, and I'll try to post something as much as I can, at least every two weeks from now on. Procrastination is a habit I'm trying to break.

So, for this post, it's not a dream, nor an experience. I'll just blurb for a while.

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 AM ----------


The world is full of life. Thrumming, humming, pulsing like a giant brain. Dying, birthing, thinking, doing, or simply existing. The smallest insect and the wildest predator are connected as surely as a leaf to a tree. Bound by an invisible force as vast as you can imagine, more precious than the rarest stone. It cannot be duplicated or imitated. It cannot be seen. It cannot be dragged into the light as part of a science experiment. But it can be eliminated. So fragile, so easily terminated, yet as abundant as we could possibly be. What a cosmic joke; sending us to witness something of the most perfect, whole creation only to snuff it out before our eyes like a candle in a storm.