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Thread: Introductions and a Question

  1. #1

    Question Introductions and a Question

    Hello I didn't come here because I really 'wanted' to, but because I'm a bit confused. Anyway I'm Thiamor and will make this rather short. I'm 24, and plan to lurk around.

    Now onto the main point.
    There used to be a website called WTFRPG (or something like Wattadfooka RPG when speaking of the whole name) that I could of sworn was WTFRPG.com. I used to be a member of it. It was a browser/text based online rpg. But when I searched for it again after so many years I come across this site which is by no means the site I was a member of.

    I wanted to know what happened to it and if this is the same people who ran that site or is it gone now and someone else took over it's old URL?

  2. #2
    Administrator Knerd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with that old site, so I can't give you any information about it. Our site here is not run by the same people or company - We're independent from the site you're searching for.

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