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  1. #27
    Clumsy Apprentice Hiuknowme's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    In a pot at the end of a rainbow.

    Dream- July 25th- July 26th, 2013

    This is what I get for reading Snarry before bed. Some mature content... Sort of. It's just a bit fluffy, really.

    A large, ornate mansion sits on top of a green hill. The moon is a crescent, positioned high in the sky and lighting the castle of a home with pale, monochrome light. The star aren't out, so it's safe to assume that we aren't too far from a city. Around the estate, smaller, more urban homes fall in parallel lines on the street, but pale in comparison to the enormous home.

    Inside, I, Omlyt (Previously known as Sure2HerWord), Doryu, and other roleplayers I had the honor of befriending before I knew the WTF universe existed, seem to be preparing for bed. I'm uneasy as I step into my room, to the point that I barely look around to register the cream colors. Omlyt steps in for a minute for a bit of conversation, but it soon becomes apparent that I'm not up to the menial social activity, and she leaves. Doryu pops her head in to say goodnight, before disappearing as well. All the while, I sit on the windowsill, scouring the sky for the familiar specs of light that bring me so much comfort by simply existing, and doing nothing more. Few things satisfy me more that stargazing.

    Finally, I seem to make my mind about something. A moment later, the light turns off in my room, and I slip out of the window in search of the stars that are hiding from the blaring city lights. I slip among the shadows behind carefully trimmed bushes and groomed hedges. Finding shadows within shadows, hiding from a foreboding unknown, I slink down the street in search of darkness only penetrable by natural pinpoints of light that mark the night sky like mother nature's lovebites on father sky.

    I find a forest. It takes me longer to navigate its lush terrain, but it's worth it as I reach a clearing and stare upwards. Unfortunately, the peace lasts only a moment before I hear a rustle out of the bushes somewhere. I turn and watch in surprise as Severus Snape steps out from behind some tree. His pale skin glows in the moonlight in stark contrast to his raven- dark hair and eyes. Eyes that are staring me down intensley. I balk in response to his mere presence, shiver when he speaks to me in a tone that simply radiates distaste and carefully hidden anger. "Mr. Potter. Surely you are aware that the Forbidden Forest is just that; Forbidden? Ten points from Gryffindor for being out after curfew. Thirty points for being in a forbidden region of Hogwarts grounds. He almost looks like he's finished for a moment, but he continues, "Being the oh- so worshipped Gryffindor Golden boy does not exempt you from the rules, and I implore you to keep the fame and attention of your adoring fans from going to your head." He sneers at me, before beckoning me to follow him- presumably back to Hogwarts. I don't even question the odd direction this dream has gone, or the odd fact of being referred to as a boy, while still feeling quite like a female.

    When we finally arrive at 'Hogwarts'... It doesn't look very much like Hogwarts. The room I'm in right now somewhat resembles the Great Hall, with the Head Table and everything, but only if someone turned Hogwarts into a functional waterpark. No one even blinked twice at the tile and ceramic architecture, the pale blue water rushing and smoothly falling over everything in the room. The area where the Slytherin table would be is where I was guided to, but it wasn't a table at all. A huge slide, at least six or seven feet wide with sides that blocked the view of all the other tables, except for the Head table in front of us. A handful of students were sprinkled around me. They sneered at me like a proper Slytherin scolding one of its own for being late, then turned to the Head table. Every student was in a strange, crab-like position to avoid being swept along in the water on what appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a giant waterslide. Clearly, Proffessor McGonnagal is giving a speech, but I've practically tuned her out in favor of examining my surroundings.

    Suddenly, like a flash flood, the waters begin rising. It becoms harder to stay in one place and not get lost among the moving, shifting mounds of chlorinated water. Ahead of me, students have already been swept away in the flood. Some appeared to be riding the current, while others dipped and splashed in the water, perhaps drowning. I've nearly drowned to death twice in my life, both times in a giant pool at a waterpark. I was terrified. Swiftly, a torrent of water swept me into the thrashing current below, and I'm off into my nightmare.

    Gasping breaths taken when I feel my face break the water. Legs and arms making whirlwinds in the water. Desperate the get air. Lungs burning, nose stinging from the chemicals in the water, heart racing from the panic running 100 mph in my veins. When your adrenaline is pumping like that, you can focus on only keeping yourself alive. You're only aware of what happens between this moment and the next, brain kicked into hyper drive yet unable to think beyond right now, because right now could be your last moment to breathe. I don't know where I am, who I am, just where the next blast of water is going to hit, and my legs and arms desperately trying to keep my very un-buoyant body from sinking into the deep blue depths below me.

    Just as quickly as it began, my battle with the elements is over. It takes me a moment to fall out of my near- death adrenaline high and take in my surroundings, but when I do, I'm being protectively cradled by Severus Snape. (He still thinks I'm Harry Potter. How I'm Harry Potter in SLYTHERIN, I have no idea, but that might be why he saved me instead of letting my -arrogant/ inconsiderate, famous/ just like his bloody father/ other insult worthy of the Half Blood Prince- ass drown.)

    I stand unsteadily, leaning heavily on him for support. It's surreal, curled close to him and his batlike stance, watching the world wash away beneath me, like a God watching the happenings of the mortal world below. I begin to feel detached, slightly sorrowful, and very, very weary, watching the water wash away everything around me. Apathetic, indifferent, bored, the dream ends in a swirl of darkness like rising from a pensieve.
    Last edited by Hiuknowme; 08-06-2013 at 04:12 AM.






    can you hear them?


    the voices?

    the voices of the characters you've killed?


    ill tell you a secret...



    they sow me beautiful seedlings of stories whispering leaves across asphalt blank as snow fallen in---



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