A sigh of relief escaped the ring, rolled into her mind and echoed through her skin. "Ahh... you never forget your first kill..." The voice let out on a sadistic tone, watching as the girl caved in the spine of that second demon. The beast finally reacted to the assault, one of them loudly screeching as another ran towards her, it's bladed digits aching to dig into her flesh. They were demons after all, she was strong, but they would still be a challenge even with the powers of the ring, especially if it's influence suddenly stopped. "The killing floor iiiiiiiiis open!" The voice hurled as another surge of power crawled through the young woman's spine, danced across her fingers and shot straight to her eyes along with the formidable blood-thirst that followed suit. However, the power was taking it's toll. Blood was starting to drible from her eyes, her senses were being blocked out by the aching rush of adrenalin. She'd be fine until the demons were through, but afterwards she'd likely drop to her knees.