Detrian met Isabel at the door. He opened them just a few moments after her knock.
"Oh, it's you," the man's voice rang once his eyes fell on the woman. Not hidden by shades anymore, they were such a mix or light brown and yellowish shades, that they seemed golden. Detrian was now dressed in simple sweatpants and a long sleeved snit shirt, which was pulled up almost to his elbows.
"Come in," he said and his wide frame moved from the doorway to allow Isabel to enter and move her luggage. "I'll show you to your room," Detrian's voice seemed strangely nonchalant as he lead her into his apartment. Though it was early evening, the heavy curtains were closed, and lights were already on, illuminating the living room in place of the covered floor to ceiling windows. The living room housed an L shaped sofa in front of which was a modern imitation of a fireplace. Sidelong behind the sofa stood a heavy wooden diner table, big enough to fit eight people and beyond that table, was a conjoined kitchen. However, the vampire didn't seem too keen on showing it off, he just went past the living room and towards a small hall that had a door on each side, while the end of the hall just opened up into another room, a study of sorts.
"This will be yours," the man spoke opening the door on the left side of the hall. Inside there was a neat bedroom, though a bit scarcely decorated. All it had was a large bed, a dresser, a work desk and some book cases. Everything seemed to be thoroughly cleaned and thing, possibly, moved to allow space for Isabel's belongings.
"My room is opposite of yours," he explained motioning behind himself. "And one more thing, the bathroom is through the door we passed just as you entered the apartment. It has two entrances, but you should use the one we passed." The other one was connected with Detrian's room, but that shouldn't be of any concert to her. With that, he left the woman alone and wandered to his study.