Painfully obvious, I'm new here...
So..about me....
Okay. This is just damn awkward so I will just go ahead with it and introduce myself as a potential rp partner (That's what this is all about right?).

I'm an university student, so I will be busy sometimes - expect like one reply a week kind of thing.
I'm a girl who love to play male characters. But, most of the times, they are gays - I'm more inclined to male//..
(Might be a deal-breaker /shrugs)
Since I'm not a resident of USA - my timezone is 12 full hours ahead - so what commonly known by the members might not be commonly known to me. Not really important, just want to emphasise the fact that I survived the apocalypse 12 full hours ahead. Beat that! Sorry, the hunger is getting to me.
What else...

Due to the fact that I don't understand how the group rp works, I prefer leisuring around the 1 x1 areas for now. (And for some reason, I'm talking like anyone would want to rp with me /shot)
I love romance, perverted characters (I love the teasing and sexual tensions, but I'm not comfortable with actually describing the sex scene - and yet I registered myself as the member for the adults group), mild anything..
I don't know what else, so yeah, please take care of me I guess. /bow
Ah, yeah. Please tell me if I did anything wrong~