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Thread: Let's try this again

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    Let's try this again

    Let's start with the basics I'm going by Alice, I'm 21 years old, and I've been role playing on and off for the past oh 6 ish years. I do love to role play but the urge hits me on and off, I try to stay regular but sometimes things just pop up. I strive to answer role plays within at least a day or two of my partner posting but don't jump down my throat if I don't you've been given fair warning here. I have this bad habit of getting into one too many role plays and overwhelming myself so it becomes more of a chore then something fun to do. I'll try to fix that here... odds are I won't because I love starting all sorts of new stories.

    I believe I would classify myself as a semi lit to a lit role player who always posts one to two paragraphs depending on my partner. The majority of the time I just match my partners posting length. I really hate when people post only one sentence. I understand writers block and all that, happens to us all but please give me something to work with.

    Basically anything people feel up to I'm always open to anything. I'll write some suggestions down and things I really enjoy anyway just in case. Anything in bold is something I'm really wanting to try. Oh before I forget, yes I play both male and female, no I will not just play only male I hate when people do that to me because they refuse to play any other gender but their own. I do double up but it depends on the role play. Yaoi and Yuri are fine and I prefer it with certain role plays.

    Another thing I should probably add is that I do have a soft spot for romance, that and adventure is always fun to write. Futuristic is not my strong suit but if the plot catches my interest I might give it a try.

    Middle School Crush
    Imaginary Friend
    Time Travel
    Ghost/Human or Demon
    Split Personalty
    Experiment much like Elfin Lied
    Gender Switch
    High School
    Warring Nations
    Mute Girl/Guy
    Anything Pirate related
    Arranged Marriage
    Neko pairing
    Medieval times
    Angel/Fallen Angel
    Childhood friends

    ~Fan Based~
    Princess Tutu
    Kingdom Hearts
    One Piece
    Flowers in the Attic
    Avatar the last airbender
    Ouran High School
    Lucky Star
    Rule of Rose
    Tales of the Abyss
    Alice in Wonderland
    Black Butler
    Dark Cloud 1&2
    Harry Potter
    A Great and Terrible Beauty
    Anything Disney related (I am a Disney baby ^^)
    Final Fantasy

    Here are a few specific ideas I have, unlike above I really have a set role I wish to play, for some of them, just to forewarn you.

    Imaginary Friend~ (I would prefer the female role) (set in the late 1800's)
    James came to her as a child, to everyone else he was her imaginary friend, but to her he was something real, she could see, head, and touch. As the years passed Madeline started seeing other beings, doctors were called and though they pronounced her healthy physically, she still saw specters in the shadows. Despairing of ever turning her step daughter into a proper young lady, Mrs. Cross convinces her father to send his daughter away to their country estate. Hoping that perhaps the country air will clear their daughters head.
    James, as it turns out, is not only real but he also knows exactly whats happening to young Madeline. Its his fault that people believe her to be touched in the head, the shadow creatures, the specters are using her mind as a portal to our world. Due to James's frequent trips through her mind, it left her open to all sorts of shadow creatures who slip out of her mind and into our world. About 4 years later Madeline is back in London as bad, if not worse then ever. Her mother and father finally decide that perhaps an asylum might be the best place to hide their unwell child away.

    Duel Personalities~ (female role though I'm a bit more lenient with this one)
    After being taken away from her abusive father Maya is placed with her uncle and his family. After some time has passed her cousin notices some odd things about her, her mood changes on the drop of a hat. While cheerful and perky one moment, she would turn sullen and silent the next. While everyone else attributed it to being a teenager, her cousin can't help but feel its something more.

    Swab the Deck!~
    A young woman with dreams of treasure and adventure on the high seas dresses up as a man and earns the spot of a cabin boy on a pirate ship.

    Is this a Dream?~ (Comes from a dream I had, kinda firm on playing the role of Isabel)
    On a field trip to one of the oldest parts in town Isabel doesn't think she could be more bored. As she lags behind the class stopping in front of an old closed up bakery cafe everything flickers, just for an instant she sees the bakery cafe as it was in its heyday. Freshly painted, vibrant, packed with people all wearing clothes that look as though they could have stepped right out of a 50's movie. Somehow Isabel has stepped impossibly 60 years into the past. While she stands there stunned, the owner of the nearby cafe comes bustling out briskly shepherding the girl inside, yelling at her for being late. Positive that she is dreaming Isabel decides to go along for the ride. She learns that she was mistaken by for the cafe owners niece. As a few days start to pass Isabel learns its not a dream, how is she to ever get home? And where's the cafe owners real niece? The only person to be suspicious of her is the cafe owners son, who knows there's something just not right about this girl.

    Egyptian~ (this is a double up role play)
    A newly married Princess to the young Pharaoh is vying for the position of Chief wife and therefore Queens, for many many years woman of her family had been married to Pharaohs and made Queen. There's only one problem, the first wife is pregnant with a possible heir. How can the Princess convince the Pharaoh she would make a better Queen and any sons she has be made heir.

    Serial Killer~ (open to interpretation)
    For the past few weeks there has been multiple murders all done in the same style. A police officer on the crime scene recognizes this horrible scene. It was the same scene they had walked in on one day back when they were in high school, to find their girlfriend/boyfriend dead in a pool of blood along with the Aunt they lived with. (I'll explain this more in detail if anyone picks it)

    Lower than the Horses~ (Yaoi and a double up role play, also a dream I had)
    Life for the Master and Mistress of the house hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows for the past few years. They argue constantly and the Master has taken to sleeping in the guest room since the Mistress kicked him out of their marital bed. Love blossoms in unlikely places when the Master falls for his stable hand. His wife as it turns out has a hidden agenda of her own.

    Being King isn't all it's cracked up to be~
    The dragon king falls for a lowly human, much to his subjects dismay. How to keep his kingdom from rebellion, but still follow his heart?

    Come with me~ (Marie's role, its a double role play)
    Marie waits in vain for her long lost fiance, who was taken by pirates years earlier. Despite what her parents say urging her to accept other suitors, she holds tight to her first love. With no choice left as her father picks another man for her to marry, Marie goes off in search of her long lost love. Disguising herself as a young man she boards a merchant ship hoping to one day find the pirate ship that took her love away from her. She knows he's still alive out there somewhere. Her fiance is alive, only he doesn't want to go home. He loves being a pirate and having no one to live for but himself, the young girl he was to marry is but an inkling in the back of his mind. Her parents upon finding her gone with a note sitting neatly on her bed enlist the help of a young navel officer to bring her back.

    Worlds Apart~ (the idea came from a books lol its not my own, male role preferably)
    The king of the Unicorns has been ripped from his world and thrown in with the humans, he takes on the guise of the first human he see's, the male who brought him here in the first place. He is left memory-less and naked alone in the woods, a kind young woman finds the young male who can speak no English, and barely walk on his two legs, taking him home she cares for him.

    Alice in Reverse~ (double, and of course the role as Alice)
    Something has been up in the world of Wonderland, darkness is overrunning, the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat believe it has something to do with little Alice and go off in search of her. The pair fly up the rabbit hole and search London for one blond little girl. The Cheshire Cat finds himself changed, oddly he has taken the form of a human with purple ears and a tale. Unable to find the Mad Hatter he goes off in search of Alice, thinking that if he finds Alice he is sure to find the Mad Hatter.

    Swords and Shields~ (Yaoi, and possible double)
    A young prince heir to the throne, in training to be a knight, falls in love with a fellow squire. As their love grows over the years they both become of age and finish their knighthood training. Enter a beautiful young princess, his betrothed. What is he to do?

    I have another idea I want to try and be warned, I normally don't do this but in this role play I will, the role for myself is locked in. It's something I really want to do if you don't like it then we will come up with another plot.
    Here it is:
    Angel and Demons have been at war since the time of the fall. Only a handful of really powerful angels and demons on both sides are left, the rest are lesser beings. So God and Lucifer forge a treaty to be cemented with marriage between Lucifer's child and God's most powerful angel.
    The character I want is Lucifer's daughter. I'm open to a bit of wiggle room but not my role, I really want to try the character.

    That's all I can think of for now. Oh below is a quick sample of my writing.

    Spoiler Spoiler
    Last edited by MadLittleAlice; 12-07-2012 at 04:01 AM.

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