So fresh, I don't even have an avatar yet.

Hi there. I was led to this site by an email from Menewsha. I think one of the peeps in there are friends with the owner or something, I'm not sure. But their "ad" worked so here I am.

Thing is, I'm rusty at RP'g so hope being here would bring in some practice for me. So yeah, bear with me, too.

Interests. Hmm. The entire 'feel' of ANIME and MANGA agrees with me a lot, maybe because the fantastical element is immediately visual and above all, detached from the real world, so to speak. I'm also a sort of a Japanophile so there.

I think I can do many other things though, as long it doesn't require a lot of strenous research. Just ask. I'm nice . That's it for an intro.