Abandoned her, did they? They threw old Juliet to the wolves when she had nothing more to offer, did they? Well, she hoped that the guild would take like the most fatal of disease in their shrivelled hearts and that they would find no peace! And good riddance, she says! Yes, they would rue this day when they threw away the woman who revolutionized singing for the whole world back in her day or she wasn't called Juliet Frau!

It had been two years now that they put her in this dump of a district and she still remembered it like it was yesterday. That cursed day when her own granddaughter exiled her to the low district, where the old and unwanted lived. She did not know how she went wrong with that girl, as she was good to her and taught her all she knew, after all...

Walking in the dirty streets of what she loather to call her home, the old octogenarian made her way to the market to buy something to eat, dark shawls draped around her to prevent the chill of being in a underwater city, she couldn't help but think that it was oddly cold today, the magic protecting the city should have made her eel warmer than she was now, wouldn't it? Or maybe that was her old bones that were talking...

No matter, she had to get to her destination, and fast as wares and food in these parts were scarce. As she approached, her weary eyes were pleased to see that there was still some food to buy, only to glare in dismay as a family appeared and brought it all. She knew then that she would have to feed off the city's trash depository again.