Why hello there curious people, my name is Blythrine, but you may call me Miss B or just plain ol' B. I'm immensely friendly and love making new friends.

I try to be a very creative person, so my hobbies generally include much of the arts. I spend a lot of my time drawing, sewing and biking. I read and write also, which got me into role playing. I tend to find myself more attached to things that include some sort of fantasy element.

The role playing genres I like include sci-fi, fantasy, horror, historical, and of course a little bit of romance here and there.

When it comes to roleplaying, I normally prefer a very thought out arrangement and order to posts because I cannot get internet absolutely everyday. I also enjoy private roleplays more because it gives me more freedom on posting speed and it's easier to create a plot that both parties are happy with.

If you'd like to have a very friendly and open-minded roleplaying partner, or someone who's good at creating plots for a group roleplay, I'm your girl.

Don't be afraid to send m a message even if you just want to chat, I enjoy random babble. (: