I'm in no way new to roleplaying, but you can always learn something new~

Basically I'm looking for one of two (or a combination of both) types of mentoring:

First Type: someone who will basically just read my roleplay posts as I go and point out ways I could make my writing more efficient or point out fluffy bits (parts that contribute nothing to the post - not even flavour) or suggest better wording and anything else they can think of.

Second Type: someone who will give me a basic sentence ("Mary walked down to the store on a sunny day to pick up a package at the post office") or more and ask me to elaborate it to become something enjoyable to read and then provide the same critizisms as the First Type.

I don't expect to get a mentor right off the bat, but hey! it's summer and I'm sure there'll be people who will be a combination of bored and interested in teaching me a thing or two. :3