The Game
This is a BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth) traditional style roleplaying game. It is also Sailor Moon which means that it is in no way to be taken seriously. This is magical girls at its finest and silliest. I chose BESM because it is pretty easy to set up a character and a great "gateway" system to more intricate, rules heavy gaming systems. I also chose it because it is fun and amuses me.

True to the Magical Girls Genre, this will be run episodically with an over arching story that connects each one of the "seasons". There will be fights with Yoma, there will be romance, there will be a grand epic evil, and there will be power ups!

There are 8 available spots for players, but I will set-up the game when just 3 people who show interest. I have all of the game mechanics typed up and character generation explained in simple terms (complete with an example character). I will also help you create your character if you run into problems.

It is 1956. Everybody likes Ike and the Cold War is starting to rear its ugly head though Stalin is dead. The Korean War has come to an end and the age of McCarthyism is dying a slow death. America is prosperous and people are moving out to the suburbs. Teenagers watch giant monster movies at the Drive-In Theater and stop by the malt shop on the way home. On the radio, Elvis is King, holding 9 Billboard 100 spots. Jerry Lee Lewis, Frankie Lyman, The Platters, Carl Perkins and Little Richard are huge. Dick Clack hosts the American Bandstand- a television show aimed at music, dance and teenagers. The Olympics are being held this year in Australia.

Since this is Sailor Moon, this is set in the idealized 1950's. Sure there are elements of realism, but for the most part think cheesy 1950's Fonzy-esque setting. We may even jump the sharktopus. General physics will apply generally, but then again, there is magic, so sometimes physics won't apply.

This game is set in Piney Bay, California- a totally made up city that is a distant suburb of San Francisco. It is located south of San Francisco on a small forested bay. It is the generic American Suburb- it has a main strip with diners, clothing shops, appliance stores, a movie theater and the town hall. The population of the town is a mixture of white, Japanese, black and Hispanic- though mostly white. (More information available if this game takes off.)

Who are You?
You will play one of the Sailors or Knights of the Zodiac. Aside from that, anything is fair game. Remember, all Sailor Scouts are girls when transformed and all Knights are boys when transformed.

You should think about your character- How old are they? Are you a Knight or a Sailor Scout? How smart? What do they enjoy? What is their family like? Who are their friends? What school do you attend? Remember, the game is set in the 1950's, so you want to make sure your character is appropriate to the time.

Remember, this is a Sailor Moon style game and should in no way be taken seriously. This is cheesy anime at its finest. Make a fun character that you enjoy playing. Want to be a ditz? Be a ditz! Want to be a cool dude? Be a cool dude! Want to be a drama queen? Be a drama queen! Want to be a boy who transforms into a girl? Absolutely acceptable.

The Zodiac Signs (Unique Information for the Sailors)
* non-playable characters
Sign Symbol Dates Element Emotion Stone Color
Aries The Ram 21 March – 20 April Lightning Tenacity Citrine Yellow
Taurus The Bull 21 April – 21 May Earth Vigor Emerald Vibrant Green
Gemini* The Twins 22 May – 21 June Time Melancholy Lapis Lazuli Royal Blue
Cancer The Crab 22 June – 22 July Ice Fortitude Coral Pink
Leo The Lion 23 July – 21 August Fire Bravery Ruby Orange
Virgo The Virgin 22 August – 23 September Sound Delight Diamond White
Libra* The Scales 24 September – 23 October Balance Stiocism Opal Silver
Scorpio* The Scorpion 24 October – 22 November Gravity Pride Topaz Red
Sagittarius The Archer / Centaur 23 November – 22 December Air Fury Sapphire Indigo
Capricorn The Goat 23 December – 20 January Wood Humor Jade Light Green
Aquarius The Water Bearer 21 January – 19 February Water Fickleness Aquamarine Turquoise
Pisces* The Fish 20 February – 20 March Metal Gloom Peridot Gold