Something about being the newest of the new is always a little dis-heartening but it happens to everyone at some point in thier lives right... whatever -_-

So Hey everyone the names Noxifer, or Nox, its latin for 'Bringer of Darkness'. Honestly it comes rom the MW2 title -Darkbringer- for destroying people tac-inserts. I though " Hey Rue... what would sound like a better title for Darkbringer... the Army's got a thing for latin... you took latin in highschool why now... O.o NOXIFER... ^-^ Schweyyyy." commence nickname.

I've been RPing since I was 9 years old logging onto my old AOL account and logging into chats and gaming it up oh so long long ago, but It's been a fun ride and now I'm twenty-something. I've spent the last few years doing most of my rp's over IM's, something about the instant responce is really what I love but I'm kinda getting strung on 1X1's so I'm starting to gravitate my way back to post based roleplay, untill I find a nice group chat system and a few players willing to join in.

I was called here by Strude from the far off land of Gaiaonline where I'm sure I've seen some of the names on here before, hoping its a worthwhile transition and I hope to make some new friends on here and make find a few dedicated RP partners with time. Well, heres looking forward to playing with you in the future, some more than others ^-*. Laters
