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Thread: A Neko's Search [1x1 or Small Group] {Updated 9/25/11}

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    Journeyman BoredNeko19's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Missouri, USA

    Question A Neko's Search [1x1 or Small Group] {Updated 9/25/11}

    Still Looking for people to rp with!!

    Be sure to read all of it, yes it's alot but I think I have it pretty laid out clearly with Bold words starting the top of what I want. I’ll go with the flow on role plays as I do love to just have fun and use the rp as an escape from my non existing life (and my dad's ranting about how he hates his job and who he works with). I’m not picky about what happens in the rp. If I have a problem then I will tell you.

    If you want to know anything about me, then read my profile.

    I have some rules.

    1. I want at the very least a paragraph (four to five sentences). I normally do around two paragraphs depending on the amount of muse I have for the characters I'm playing. But then again as long as I'm not stuck with a one liner, then I'm good so whatever.
    2. Must be willing to double, only a must if you want me to play the guy in a fandom rp. Original rps don't need to double, although I might ask for it later in the rp if I'm playing the guy.
    3. I don't care if you are just starting out in rp or have been doing it for years. As long as your spelling is right and I can understand what you mean that's all I care about. And follow rule one.
    4. If you want to stop rping with me then please let me know so I’m not waiting for a reply for a dead rp. I don’t care if you want to stop that is your choice, I like to please people when role playing so I let the other person chose stuff a lot.
    5. you pick the rating of the rp… just let me know what the rating is.

    I'm OK with.
    Yaoi or Yuri (although I suck hugely at role playing out guy on guy sex)
    Incest, rape, torture, kidnapping, and most other stuff are OK if ya want to do them.

    I wont do.
    Hugely Battled Based

    Fandom Role Play.

    • Shaman King – Len/Ren, Zeke/Hao, or Trey/Horo-Horo is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Romeo x Juliet (anime) - Tybalt is who I wish my character to have a romance with.

    • Gravitation - Hiroshi (Hiro) is who I wish my character to have a romance with.

    • Beyblade – Kai, Tala, Tyson's older brother, or Ray is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Song of the Lioness - Not going along the story line since I'd like Jon or Gray or Roul to be paired with my character if to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Yu Yu Hakusho - Hiei or Yukinaiswho I wish my character to have a romance with.

    • Naruto - Gaara, Temari, Hinta, Tenten, or Sasuke is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Twilight books - Jasper or Alice is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Full Metal Alchemist – Edward, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, or an older Al when he has his body back is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Inuyasha - Seshoumaru, Inuyasha, Kagome, or Older Shippo is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite.

    • Fruits Basket - I've never done one though, but I’m willing to try one.

    • Harry Potter – Draco, Oliver, Young Sirius, Young Snape, Remus (at any age), or Lily (Harry's mother) is who I wish my character to have a romance with, in order of favorite to least favorite. *

    Feel free to suggest an anime or book or fandom because these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

    But if you do a double then please be able to keep the character in character and not falling in love within the first few minutes of meeting my rpc. I will do the same or at least try my best.


    Original Role Play.
    If you want more then see the next post and Settings & Pairings list.

    • Slave & Master – good plot or no plot up to you. I am willing to play the master but I can’t do anything but nice master and I prefer to be the slave. For my slave I’d like a demented master who’d do as he liked to her. She is a neko slave too. If this then please put what part you'd like to play but like I said... I'm only a nice master. Also no rating limits just whatever you want if doing the demented master.

    • Music type – Yea I don't really know on this but something to do with music would be awesome. Even though I know next to nothing about music and can't write a song to save my life... kind of like how I can't play a normal human to save my life.

    Side Notes:
    * I do have an idea for this part but it requires other characters too. See Thundering Wild Magic - Adult for my idea and other info for this.

    Edit Notes:

    Edit 7/4/11- I've added some stuff and changed the number of stars on some.
    Edit 8/5/11- I edit it a little and put in more of what I'm looking for.
    Edit 8/11/11- Added zombie type rps to what I won't rp.
    Edit 8/14/11- Added some stuff and edited some stuff too.
    Edit 9/25/11- Changed how it looked and such a little bit.
    Last edited by BoredNeko19; 10-16-2011 at 03:37 AM.
    Want to rp? Send me a PM!

    Story of Us a small town slice of fantasy life.
    Shichiyou Academy is Adult Rated School.

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