Hello fine people of WTFRPG!

My (user)name is saintmelmonie, but you can call me Mel or Melmonie or whatever actually. As long as it's not mean, I'm cool with a it. (So cool that there are sunglasses on that smiley. Oh yes.)

I appreciate most genres, but I have to admit I get a kick out of romantic subplots as long as they are realistic and not of the "I'm riding a robot, and you've got breasts. Come 'ere, sugar, because that's all we need to work as a couple" variety. Robot romances might be cool, though...

Oh! So! I'm a full blown adult (wowee!), and hmm, I like reading, writing, painting, researching, playing video games, and dancing hardcore to folk music, talking to my bird, squacking with my bird, and asking how long it is til Christmas even when I already know.

I hope to make some pals on here because friends are pretty rad.
