I finally had some time to make an account here... *mumbles* >w>
*cough* Hi! The name's Stephanie, and that's all you're really going to get out of me. Obviously, I like to RP (love), although I'm not sure how often I can update during the school year (even during breaks >.>";; Sucks to have school).

Hm hm...
I like any kind of RP, let it be 1x1 or a group.
Themes don't matter for me -- I'll make a character for absolutely anything you want, maybe except for anything steampunk-ish because I don't exactly follow that or know anything about it. Most other things I should be able to figure out if I haven't done them already.
...I'll do anything that involves writing actually >.>

I'm a Taurus.
I have a blog <3
I love all things dark and mysterious, and cute and fluffy (yay conflicting interests!)
Metal. Rock. You give me that music, I turn into a jukebox.
I play piano -- 9 years -- and guitar -- 2 years, still suck xD.
I like artsy things, and I like drawing, but I'm not too amazing with it. I'm trying to improve everyday, though~!
And poetry. I love writing that stuff, although... sometimes (almost always) I scare myself with whatever I write. ._.";;

That's me in a nutshell!
...Nut... nut... I am a nut. I forgot that little detail. *whistles*

Anyway, I hope to figure out this website quickly and start RPing with everyone as soon as possible! I've been looking at the character pool for a while, and I'm just trying to figure out how to do stuff, so I'm going to go and click a truckload of buttons and fool around until I understand this mysterious thing called WTFRPG. :P