“why hello I see you have come to either say welcome or to tell me to go away and never come back…I do hope it is the welcome because I have not the foggiest why someone would tell me to go away so soon.” She offers her hand “names moon child but most people call me whatever they feel like because as long as I know your talking to me I will answer to pretty much anything but I do like the name Luna I happen to be fond of it.” Giggling she covers her mouth with her hand to make it so she isn’t as loud when she laughs. Putting down her hand she looks serious “now I know I talk funny but its not my fault you see I rather found this way how should I put this well I met a few people that talked like this and I found that I liked it.” She looks around and then sighs “oh well I guess she is late or not coming.” She gasps “how could she not come I mean she invited me here.” Looking around again she sighs “oh well I will make do with who or should I say what I have to keep me company.” She looked behind her and several rats pop their heads seemingly out of everyplace there could be a rat, turning over to face them she started to walk towards them “this is my family and my friends.”