Entry 1

I would date todays entry, or even say how many days it's been since I've been here, but I don't know either. It could've been days or merely hours since I last knew but without knowing that, I'm clueless... So, it'll just have to be Entry 1, the first entry since coming to this place. Since being sold off to Haven... It's been... weird, interesting, creepy, strange, and so much more all at once.

At first when I woke up here I was just so confused that I did everything I was told, hoping to gain answers, but that's done nothing for me. I was never told a thing about why I'm here, nothing at all. I had to learn it through some creepy little girl that I think was called Crimson or something like that. She somthing about having been sold to Haven to some of us. I don't know if she was just saying it as a lie or what, or how true it might be for others, but I can believe my parents did so.

First I find out that they made me bankrupt... Bankrupt at only 20, just barely! And that they've only been using me so they don't have to work or do anything and live in luxury... so I cut them off. It was for their best, and mine. But then, not even a week later I find myself here. It's still hard to believe... first my parents betray me then I wake up in a science fiction nightmare!

I was famous, decent looking, and normal. But now... no one on the outside would recognize me. Even if they remembered me. I've heard that people outside here forget about us inside... I don't know how true that is, but they must have altered me so much since there would be so many pictures of me everywhere, it'd be impossible to make me disappear and be forgotten so easily... But that's not the point... I'd probably be locked up at first sight if anyone saw me now... My long hair I was growing out... they cut it really short and dyed it blue. Then my ears are pointed and I don't even have my piercings anymore! And there's feathers... I kid you not, feathers sticking out from behind my ears! Worst of all perhaps is the horns, though they may be smallish, they're still plain to see. Black little horns that I can't get rid of. And somehow, I'm much taller then I used to be. It's freaky...

Anyways, along with the freaky new looks, I've got freaky new abilities... ones I wish they would take back. I just found out that I could heal, I cut my leg open on a screw or something, and although it was bleeding a lot, you could still see how fast I was healing! It wasn't super quick like this other person Sparrow's healing, but it was a whole lot less painful... I think it takes something though still because I felt dizzy afterwards...

And then there's changing my shape... I don't know what all I can change it to, or if it's just a rabbit. When I was in the first room that I woke up in, there was this teenager there named Jason who I was just meeting. Creepy creepy guy btw. He kept staring and tried to feel up my horns and stuff. He freaked me out so much I started thinking hard about how I wished to get out of there, and if I was something like a rabbit I'd be able to with how quick they are... and then poof! I was one! It was.... amazing and weird all at once. I haven't tried it again though since.

Then the worst one... They took my voice away from me. Not literally, but... somehow they made it now so that my voice can entrance people. I don't know how powerful it is, or if it works for just talking but when I sing now it's like I can control people. They become... I dunno... obsessed or something? Something like the sirens of myth. I used it to help out earlier with some guards, but besides that, I'm afraid of what I might do to the others here... Speaking of which... there's others that were taken too. And changed... I only know a few right now.

There's Jason, he's really smart, but very creepy, but I don't know what they did to him.
And then there's Jason's brother Adam, I think he's the same as Jason, except he's nicer.
The sort of 'leader' of us experiments is called Firestorm, I don't know her real name. She's a phoenix! A real one! It's amazing! And she seems nice although I haven't gotten to talk to her much with how she's trying to help get everyone out. It's really brave.
Then her boyfriend I never caught the name of, he's really pale looking and dark at the same time...
Another little kid, but a boy who seems frightened a lot, and I didn't get his name either.
There's another little girl named Coyote though and she seems sweet, she's able to walk into people's dreams I think.
Tobias, a guy in his early 20's I think who said they called him Poseidon, he's able to manipulate water from what I could see.
One girl I saw but didn't get her name or anything, so I'm not sure who she is.
And last but definitely not least was Sparrow. He was the second person that I got to meet in person, third that I learned of. And he's been the nicest to me so far. I don't think he's much older then I am. Anyways, Sparrow seems to be able to talk to and understand birds, maybe other animals, don't know yet. And he can heal! His is a lot faster then mine, but also a lot more painful. I wonder why that is...

Either then them, I heard there's more people around here, I guess i just haven't met them yet.

It's amazing you know, I've never had so much free time to just... do whatever. Before now, it was always practicing, practicing and more practicing along with whatever events or things they wanted me to do. But finally here, I'm getting time to myself... when I want it the least...

Speaking about practicing, maybe Sparrow would be willing to help me with that. I don't want to use my voice on others, but if I have to, I might as well learn what I can do with it all... I should go see if he will...

(And if he's put a shirt on yet!)
