The ominous figure affixes his weary eyes upon you. Those eyes reflect the desolation of solitude, the shattered spirit of vagabond drifting through the vast, ceaseless desert of the forsaken. He is famished, parched, seeking the sustenance of worthwhile human interaction that he has found lacking in his stubborn existence for far too many suns and moons to count. This scornful deficiency spurns him on as he makes his approach, the slick sweat of desperation creeping over his brow. He is a man run out of chances, run out of choices, and only the tiniest flicker of hope still defiantly ripples through his countenance.

The hesitation of the moment breaks, and he opens his mouth to speak.

"Hey, dude, do you, like, know where the bathroom is?"

So, this introduction has been long overdue, though certainly not because I'm a person of any import. I registered a month or so ago, so simply put, it's about time.

Hello! I am Cael. I like to RP, and I would like to do more of it in a new place. I recently decided to look elsewhere from Gaia, and that brought me here.

Unfortunately, instead of doing any RP I've been spending my time lurking, and that's not good. I may even continue to lurk a little longer as I try to settle in and get a grip on my life schedule, but meanwhile I would like to actually start posting something, even if it's complete nonsense.

If it's of any consequence, I'm apparently male, I'm 23 soon to be 24, and I am currently working full time but I will be going back to finish my edumacashin in the Spring. I'm a rather avid gamer and I have a certain affinity for anime/manga.

I have been roleplaying in some form or another, mostly on forums or play-by-post, on and off for, like, ever. Or at least over 10 years. Maybe 2 years of practical experience considering how sporadic it's been, and considering how many RPs sadly never really take off. I tend to be pretty obedient to basic English and grammar and maybe I'm a tolerably decent writer sometimes. And no, I don't RP with as purple~y prose as my little mock character intro above, rest you assured.

I am interested mainly in RPs with an engaging plot with some kind of action or conflict, framed by the staples of dramedy. I absolutely love a diverse, ensemble cast of characters and the interplay of various character relationships, which I think is what attracts me so much to mainly group RPs; no one main character, and certainly no ubiquitous Mary Sues and so forth. I like stupid stuff like big fights, swords, guns, explosions, mecha/robots, dinosaurs, jets, more explosions, superpowers, monsters, and shiny things.

And from what I have seen I think I like all of you. This looks like a great community, so I look forward to meeting you.

In conclusion, I (very clearly) have a problem of not being concise and if you made it this far you deserve some kind of medal. So I'll stop now.