I really, really want to get more good players from Gaia over here. But I've tried advertising my games and I get in trouble; you're only allowed to advertise off-site stuff in your signatures. (For a big site like Gaia this is such a wuss move...)

Barton Town stinks but there are great RPers in it and I'd really love to bring them here. I've mentioned to Strude my desire to try to nab the good ones and bring them here--I've noticed her doing it a bit, sprinkling mentions of WTF--but I wanted to brainstorm/share strategies and ideas for how to get more folks from Gaia over here. Especially for those of us who have already called on all of our roleplay pals from Gaia.

Some of the already existing ideas (whether stuff I've done or Strude has done):
1. Get into discussions about roleplay and mention WTF. But this is tough because outside of OOC threads there's very little discussion on BT. (Strude)
2. Wish folks good luck on their search threads, mentioning that you can't advertise offsite what's in your signature.
3. Helpful, nice bumps for search threads/resource threads, so folks see your signature.

It may also help to specifically get a discussion going about the state of RP in Barton Town, give folks lots of room to rant and have any WTF Gaians talk about how much better it is here. And hey, there's a link in our signature... However this would probably need help from other WTF Gaians just keeping the discussion going.