Hello, there!

Thanks so much for happening on this little thread of mine.

Here's a titch about me.

--> You can call me Stormi
. I'm in high school, but I am active!
. I'm a fiend about grammar, so "it's over their" and the like drive me nuts.
. I post a lot sometimes, but usually it's about three paragraphs, or seven.
. I have samples, but they aren't on this site. If you want them, I maaay get a couple for you.
. I actually may get annoyed about anything, although I'm a rather laid back person.
. I like it when people let me know if they shall poof.
. I play females, and do femalexmale relationships. Please note, I'm not judging or uncomfortable with otherwise, I just prefer not to partake in roleplaying them.

On a note, adult themes are fine with me. My limits are your limits.


--& Literacy and Posting.
. Must be able to post two well-written paragraphs (but I WANT more)
. Possesses a firm grasp on the difference between pure fluff and relevant information
. Will post at least three times a week (once again, MORE is better!)

--& Genres I'll do
. Fantasy ღ
. Historical Fiction ღ
. Science Fiction ¤
. Horror ø
. Romance ღ
. Ehh, most anything, really. ☢

--& Now, some Books: (Canon Characters are Preferred)
. Hunger Games/Catching Fire- Collins ☢☢☢☢☢☢
. Looking Glass Wars- Beddor ღ
. Suggestions? ☢

--& Pairings, and other plots (First role I'd prefer):
. Rebellion in the "perfect city" ღ
. Slave x Master ☢☢
. Human x Vampire ღ
. Human x Werewolf ¤
. Villain x Superhero ¤
. Mermaid x Pirate/Human ☢☢
At the moment, I can't think of anything, but I am open to suggestions! ☢
I have a few plots. So, let me know what you're interested in, and I'll work with you!

☢ = Craving, I'll love you eternally if you do this!
ღ = I'd love to do it!
¤ = Ehh, I'll do it, I guess...
ø = I'd rather not... some serious convincing will be needed.