Welcome to the Interdimensional School of Knowledge!

The ISK was founded so long ago that there isn't a culture that can recall a time before it existed, except for at the school itself, it's founders being the ancient dragons that traveled the planes and dimensions freely. During their travels, these ancient dragons who valued knowledge greatly saw that there was one common theme amongst every place they went. The cultures and societies always lacked education in one way or another. Wars were created due to ignorance, nations destroyed by mindless rulers, races made endangered or extinct due to inability to control their abilities and many other situations that could have been avoided had only education been available. And so they decided to create a school that was accessible to all no matter the plane or dimension they resided on. Creating something called an Interdimension that sits in nexus point, this was where the school was built. And connected to the school were portals so that students and teachers could come from all over the universe to attend this school and share the knowledge amongst all.

Every possible subject is covered in this school, as through it's magical nature, this school is always big enough to house all students and teachers. If a subject is not covered already, a rare occurrence, and it becomes needed, the best teacher in it is located as soon as possible and summoned to the school to teach the students who are in need of being taught that subject.

ISK has had a long tradition of teaching students wonderfully so, it doesn't matter on the method in which they learn, every student has come away for ISK with new understandings and new knowledge that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

And education isn't the only fun thing going on here, as there are sports, and sparring, clubs and other fun activities. If you can think of it there is something to do with it on this large and complicated campus of ancient magics.

So if you are someone looking for knowledge, and fun, this school is for you! Every race, every time era, those of all skill levels are absolutely welcome to join! Don't let the wonderful teachers at ISK get bored, waiting for students to teach the newest cooking dish to quantum physics and more.

Come check out ISK today!