I know I am flooding the brainstorming forum with ideas that go nowhere. I'm sorry, but... not really?


In any case, why don't I just talk about the game instead? (:


1. This is not a remake of the game by the same name! I just like to recycle titles of games that go nowhere? Ha...

2. The story is relatively simple (no flash, no pizzazz). The world of Terra is in grave danger! Monsters known as Exiles have, once again, found a way to enter the living world. Their numbers are few, but their powers are great and, in a few short months, they have taken over the capital of the human kingdom, Kirin. Their mission is to undo the Thirteen Seals and release their brothers and sisters from the Netherworld.

3. The plot is, perhaps, even more straight-forward: a group of strangers, summoned by the Watchers (guardians of Terra), will band together in an attempt to prevent the undoing of the Thirteen Seals. We will play as members of this group.

4. There is magic in this world. I apologize in advance if what I'm about to say is confusing. Please do not hesitate to ask for clarifications. Magic in this game is based on Final Fantasy character classes and Fairy Tail. If you are unfamiliar with either, please click the links! Additionally, magic in Terra is not necessarily commonplace (only twenty-percent of the world population has access to magic).

5. There are no character slots; you will have the freedom to design your character from the ground up. Having said that, there will be an application process to screen character ideas and I reserve the right to reject characters deemed incompatible with the game.

6. I plan to release the game later in the summer (most likely late-July).

Please understand that there is greater depth to the story and the world than what I am listing here. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to make them known. I am more than happy to answer/respond.