Hi guys! So I love rping in the groups on here, but it takes a lot of active rps for me to feel like I have enough to rp. (its one of my favorite things to do, so I love to do it as much as I can)

-I am very active, that does not mean I won't do a slower paced roleplay. All that means is that you can count on me to post often. I'd love a very active partner as well, but I understand having things to do outside of rping. I have a job myself and have days where I can't post constantly.

-I don't mind adult content, but I only really want it if it adds to the rp, I don't want it to be the rp.

-I love dark and light hearted roleplays

-Play mostly females

-I will give you an average of 1-3 paragraphs per post. As long as you give me enough to continue the storyline and keep it interesting, I'm not gonna get onto you about length

Stuff I do:

- Modern Fantasy (hidden or known)
- Westerns ( I never get enough of these)
-Medieval Fantasy (European Medieval or Asian Feudal)
-Victorian, Fantasy or Normal
-Pirates (also very fun for me)

Fandoms I Like:

Note: When I say fandom I mean usually mean using original characters, not canon, but certain canons I can/will play

- KINGDOM HEARTS (one of my favorite things ever)
- Harry Potter
- Blue Bloods Series (Books not show)
- Game of Thrones (never rped this but I'd give it a shot)
- Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices

Also open to suggestion, Private message or reply here. Hope to hear from you soon