Has anyone played the Blue Rose game using the True 20 system?

For those unfamiliar with the game, Blue Rose is a tabletop roleplaying game published by Green Ronin. It uses dice and character sheets and stats, similar to the more familiar Dungeons and Dragons or Vampire: the Masquerade.

The game is themed off of "romantic" fantasy and lists such authors as Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Diane Duane and Andre Norton (plus doses from fairy tales) as inspirations for the sort of 'feel' of the setting. You can play a human, of course. And there are also a few fantasy races (sea people, for example) or sentient animals you could play instead.

I'm not here to advertise the game (I'm not getting a kick-back, unfortunately) - but more giving the information in hopes that it would either spark conversation or have someone who has played the game might drop by with an opinion on it.

I've long been interested in tabletop gaming, but have never had the opportunity to do so yet. Blue Rose, being set in a sort of theme/genre that appeals to me is a game that does interest me quite a lot (I even pre-ordered it), but no one I've spoken to about it seems especially interested. It doesn't help that most of the reviews online are either indifferent or sneering. (And it's difficult to tell if the sneering is just the players who would never read novels of that sort looking down on it or if it's just a poorly made game.)

Anyway - yes! Thoughts? Opinions? Reviews?