I think a Table top game is very doable on here We would have to have voice to discuss things and could have our character moves be put on here and since we have a Dice function
The 100-sided dice lands on 12

The 20-sided dice lands on 11

The 10-sided dice lands on 4

The 8-sided dice lands on 1

The 4-sided dice lands on 4

It would be very easy to keep people from cheating, but getting the time together to do it would be a pain ((well it normally is in real life too)) I've Never really DM'd but been interested, I tried once for just a simple one but as i started the people wanted this set of rules and for it to be done like this and blah blah blah. Then when i realized all the research i had to do i quickly started but by that time people already backed out cause they wanted to do it right then.