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Thread: Gaia Recruitment?

  1. #1
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    Gaia Recruitment?

    I really, really want to get more good players from Gaia over here. But I've tried advertising my games and I get in trouble; you're only allowed to advertise off-site stuff in your signatures. (For a big site like Gaia this is such a wuss move...)

    Barton Town stinks but there are great RPers in it and I'd really love to bring them here. I've mentioned to Strude my desire to try to nab the good ones and bring them here--I've noticed her doing it a bit, sprinkling mentions of WTF--but I wanted to brainstorm/share strategies and ideas for how to get more folks from Gaia over here. Especially for those of us who have already called on all of our roleplay pals from Gaia.

    Some of the already existing ideas (whether stuff I've done or Strude has done):
    1. Get into discussions about roleplay and mention WTF. But this is tough because outside of OOC threads there's very little discussion on BT. (Strude)
    2. Wish folks good luck on their search threads, mentioning that you can't advertise offsite what's in your signature.
    3. Helpful, nice bumps for search threads/resource threads, so folks see your signature.

    It may also help to specifically get a discussion going about the state of RP in Barton Town, give folks lots of room to rant and have any WTF Gaians talk about how much better it is here. And hey, there's a link in our signature... However this would probably need help from other WTF Gaians just keeping the discussion going.

  2. #2
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    *Raises hand* I'll go back into that hellhole if you lead Eden! I agree though there are people worth saving there! (In fact, shame on me, but I remember a second guild I was in that was pretty damn good for a while...)

    Also since I don't give a shit about Gaia and their stuff anymore I'm perfectly willing to get in a little trouble. (Provided it doesn't escalate into legal trouble!)

  3. #3
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    Seriously doubt it'd be legal trouble. xD I don't really care about my account aside from my art-money on there, which still needs to get spent.

    Well, I tried starting discussions and they fell flat. But I did find a fairly active discussion here.

  4. #4
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    Ooh that IS good! I need to pick up a fancy sig from Strude and then I'll join the madness!

    As a side note, we need to abduct this guild: Le Tango de Fleurs.

    ALL of these guys are decent roleplayers... and there are some that are FREAKING AWESOME. Must. Formulate. Kidnapping. Plot! (It's one of my ex-guilds...)

    Actually... I think you know some of these people Eden?

  5. #5
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    Hmm...I don't recognize any of them, but they could have changed their names? Probably did, I noticed a lot of name changes that made it hard to track down my old RP buddies.

    I don't really know the guild, not sure how to kidnap them haha. Maybe make a post letting them know this site is way better and they should all move here? ... that is a terribly straightforward plan, ack. xD

  6. #6
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    They used to have a recruitment thread... If we can find it we should spam them until they visit us just to make it STOP!

    I'm planning on PMing the members I knew. I didn't get as close to these guys as I did our crew in AS but what could be the harm in trying? *Shrugs* The worst they can do is tell me to leave 'em the hell alone! Heh.

  7. #7
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    Yeah PMing individually could definitely help. I'll stalk their recent posts and see if I can find the recruitment thread. xD

  8. #8
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    Actually if you type in the guild name it should come up in a search.

  9. #9
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    There it is! xD

  10. #10
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    Yay! ^ ^ I wold have posted the link for that too but I got snagged by a friend who really needed to talk. D:

  11. #11
    Monarch Schizophrenic's Avatar
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    I would help, but typing it into my search bar gives me anxiety. I think it's kind of like when you have a really horrible break up with someone who you dated for seven years and then immediately get into a new relationship with someone (who's awesome^^). So you don't want to see them, ever again. x_x; Because it not only makes you feel guilty but makes you remember all the bad times.

    Oh god oh gawsh I need to not hate so much. But I am willing to help with brainstorming ideas to help bring/save the good guys here. You and Strude have been doing a pretty damn good, and making those fancy signatures are a perfect idea. I think the best plan of attack is light discussion to draw some attention and individually sending private messages to people you think are particularly good. Like not overly ad like, but start it out with... "you caught my eye because you're pretty damn good! Check out this site I'm involved in, I feel you are more than worthy!" Usually making the messages sound genuine would make them feel less like this is just you trying to bring in any old user. But obviously, the individual messaging is a lot of work.
    And I hope you have not a single still moment.

  12. #12
    Dusty Adventurer APBCole's Avatar
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    I would join but...I dunno....

    I'd have to pop out my image editing software but first i'd need a nice idea of how to advertise the signature by what idea I want to portray. I do banners if you can tell...but uh...i'll think of something and do it eventually.

    But I hate Gaia with my life.

  13. #13
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    Hatred for Gaia is the perfect reason to SAVE THE GOOD ONES! *punches the air* WHO'S WITH ME? (Heh, I've always wanted to say that! xD )

    I really don't have a shy bone in my body, so if you know people from past escapades on Gaia send me their usernames and I'll do the footwork.

  14. #14
    Journeyman BoredNeko19's Avatar
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    XD hmmm could there be a guild on Gaia be made to get people here?

    I've got two of my accounts advertising this site in the sig with one of the banners I made for this site... I could get the others but meh... I don't remember the log in info for them.
    Want to rp? Send me a PM!

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  15. #15
    Imperial Ruler Xavirne's Avatar
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    I'd love to help... but I'm not sure I get the forums on Gaia. That and all my friends have been inactive for the last million years. Most of my friends are on Mene and a handful of them have already shifted to WTF.

    But if you want the extra hand, I'd definitely go over to Gaia in search of new recruits. I love recruiting. >3

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  16. #16
    Humble Farmer With a Sword balam acab's Avatar
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    • In all honesty, I got recruited from Gaia, by someone who goes by the name "Wiccacow"
      there. She said she was willing to do roleplays via a third party forum which heavily intrigued
      me seeing as I'm always looking for new roleplaying communities. It appears that her thread
      has been active for quite some time, now, and she hasn't really merrited any attention from
      the cranky-ass mods. So I'm thinking I may discretely advertise a link to the side in my thread,
      as well : > Anything to help.

  17. #17
    Elite Eden's Avatar
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    Well...I tried recruiting people here via a thread and I *did* get warned by a mod. :< So I really don't want other to encourage anyone to do something that'd get them in trouble.

  18. #18
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    Pffft. Yeah Gaia's so scary. If I do anything that might get me in trouble I'll just do it on one of my alternate accounts that I don't care about.

    *Cracks knuckles* Anyway, my great Gaia campaign has begun! Wish me luck!

  19. #19
    Imperial Ruler Xavirne's Avatar
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    Good luck! :P

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  20. #20
    Clumsy Apprentice Fuu-Chan's Avatar
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    I go on Gaia and I would be more then Happy to join this group like role-play.
    I haven't done much on Gaia or role-played on there but i am willing to try n.n

  21. #21
    Jaunty Journeyman Telemachn's Avatar
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    O___o Well good luck! I don't intend to roleplay on there. I'm trying to bring THEM over to HERE! xD Honestly it's for their own good! Gaia really isn't as roleplayer friendly as they claim to be...

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