Quote Originally Posted by Xavirne View Post
OMG! I would love to do a Digimon roleplay. :3 Mixing the settings would be fun. Cowboys vs Aliens was awesome, but I can totally see Cowboys vs Ninjas vs Digimon being even better. I haven't actually done a best friend x best friend pairing, so I would love to do that.

As far as all my male posts, I rarely get to play female as most of my roleplay partners can't play males. Thus, I get the male role. I don't mind it though. I love playing the guy. I've grown used to it. Moreover, I tend to draw males more than females. I'm not sure why, but I just do. *shrug* Either way, I can play either gender and I can also play multiple characters.
I would love to do a digimon role play but I haven't seen the show in forever so I can't remember all that much for it. All I remember of the show is Matt was hot, Kira is awesome, and Gotamon is completely such a great partner for Kira. Plus Kira and Ty(or Tk I forget but Matt's younger brother) make such a cute couple. I'm now gonna have to search for it on netflix now that I remember about it.
Have ya seen The Warrior's Way? That has ninjas in western setting and it was awesome since the main battle was between ninjas, circus freaks (I mean that in a loving way for once), and outlaw cowboy gang.
Cowboys Vs Aliens is on my to see in theaters list... which I'll probably get around to it next month after bills if it's still in theaters, if I can't get my dad to take my mom and me to it before then.

I normally do two paragraphs at the least but I try to give the same of how much I get back, just so ya know. As for gender.. perhaps doubling would work best for this role play since I don't see it just having two main characters but a group of 'em, this way it'll give ya a chance to play a female too. So it could also have another pairing mixed in with the best friend x best friend pairing.

Hmmm... any plot idea to go with that setting?