Zachariah, sprawled across her bed, fast asleep. And Raphi, staring at her apologetically from where he sat on the floor beside the bed.

"Sorry, Jessi," he whispered. "I tried to tell him that this was the wrong apartment, that we're three doors over, but he was so tired he wouldn't listen to me."

Just then, Leah swanned out of the bathroom, freshly showered and singing at the top of her lungs. Which probably wasn't a good idea considering the price of apartment she was currently inhabiting with Jessi.

"There's such a saaad loooovvveee deep in your--AAUUUGH! MEN!" Looking around wildly, she grabbed a toothpaste tube (that happened to be Jessi's) and hurled it in the direction of the 'men.'

Raphi ducked just in time. Zachariah, dead the world, was not so lucky.

"OW! What the...!" Shooting upright, he glared around, rubbing the side of his head. "Who threw that?!"