Daevin giggled as she a gave a nod to drop the formalities, but having Ilse asking to go to Melda’s wedding, she laughed excitedly. That is until she heard the woman’s age.

Ears shot low as she seen Holic whirl around to stare at her. “Geez never thought I’d feel so young and old all at once.” He looked at her in disbelief.

Daevin flushed as she tucked her hands behind her back. “You should talk, I feel like I’ve just been put in my place.” She couldn’t believe how small Melda was for how old she was. “Looks like I am really the child here.”

Holic nodded before he made a point towards the next turn in the road. Daevin watched Melda walking along happily as she wasn’t sure what to say now. Knowing she was younger than her was certainly a damper. Suppose it wasn’t wise to pretend to ones elders. It only made her turn an eye to Zander and Ilse… how old were they? She knew Holic had been captured when he was in his late twenties and as they already stated that was twenty years ago.

She really was the little one in the group.

“Well… suppose your mother was right in stating it is better to wait until you’re a hundred to marry.” Holic tried to clear the air, “Not right for a young lady to rush into anything.” Oh sure now that he knew how old she was, he was going to behave himself. Damn the man.