Hello, Name's Lexx! I'm excited to be here because I love roleplay. I have been rping for about...8 or 9 years? I started at a very early age. Like, 5th or 6th grade. I fell out of the loop for a couple of years about my early years of high school due to family things. I was in and out during that time, but I came back a little, but I still wasn't into it as much. This year though, I decided to make a huge come back. I've joined many sites because I am in a good place right now and I remembered how much I love roleplaying!

I have experience with all characters. Female, male, human, alien, monster, etc. I do not do furries though. Or incest. That...I can't. I have my reasons. I also do semi-lit to lit. I remember the days of script though //warflashbacks
I also have done both SFW and NSFW alike. Straight pairings, gay pairings, not so sure pairings. I've kinda been everywhere, but I'm always up for exploring new fields.

I am a heck of a sucker for cliches though.