So um.. yeah.. I highly doubt any of the people I use to rp with are still around but if so and remember me Hey, how you doin?
For the new members who don't know me.. I'm Neko.. I love to write and role play it keeps me sane. I enjoy playing games, collecting geeky stuff, watching superheros, killing sims, faking my death, photography, exploring the woods, writing fanfictions, and some other stuff. I currently have a YYH fanfiction that is doing pretty good going on under my penname SnowNeko.

I'm a slytherin in the harry potter world (naturally at that) and that's really the only fandom I cared enough that has a classify system to get into. But I love a lot of anime, manga, comic worlds, and some game worlds. It's one of those things that is just ask and I shall answer.

Personal stuff about me.. I have an anxiety disorder that is really bad and thus if I seem off or anything it's due to no social skills (my social skill level is -9999999999x∞). I live on a farm and raise rabbits and chickens. I'm seriously the odd one because I can't get internet yet I can get cell service (which thank the goddess for tethering and unlimited data). I've two fur babies who one is terrified of the other and often have to stop fights between them (my 10lb cat has my 65lb 9 month old pup terrified of her).. well I have two inside rabbits too but they don't demand attention like my cat and pup.

Really not sure it's a good idea to attempt to get back into this site or spam this site to my friends who role play. But hey why not try if there are other people attempting to bring this site back to life. Either way.. hello it's nice to meet you all.. again in some cases maybe.