I finally got around to replying to Joon (sorry for the wait!) so I figured that I'd make my way over here too:

One of the issues that WTF has is that there's no incentive for posting. On Gaia, for example, posting earns you gold. You can then save up and work your way towards a dream avatar, or the newest items, or the most expensive thing in the marketplace, etc. There are clear goals and things that encourage you to keep on posting every day. WTF doesn't have anything like that.

In some ways, that makes our system a bit better - We're 110% focused on creating RPs and making that experience as fulfilling as possible for you folks. But on the down side, it means that our interested userbase is a bit limited and it's easy for users to suffer from a short attention span. If you don't have the little side projects to work towards, and if you don't have a lot of "money" invested in your account here, it's all too easy to walk away.

So if any of you folks are interested in revving up the userbase here and trying to spur forward activity, the best way to really do that is to 1. keep making new threads and posts in the forums, so that there's always a conversation to check up on, and 2. making new open, group RPs that any ol' user can join in. Yes, private storylines are often easier to maintain and they run less risk of abandonment, but new users need something to jump into so that they can get addicted quickly. Teach them the ropes! Work them through the process of using a full feature! Make friends!!! It's all easier said than done, of course, but that's the heart of a great site.

We're always going to tiny, but that's not really a problem. Just keep in mind that the best thing you can really do for the site is have fun and enjoy yourselves - Newbies can always sense that. If you like what you're doing, others are going to get curious and want to join in on the fun. <3