{ K E Y }


Hiya guys! It's Omlyt. Long time no chat, but I am back and I bring a new roleplay with me. This one is based off yet another nightmare I had about having to find a needle in a haystack without a magnet of any sort, but also including keys, locks, monsters and a creepy undertone! This is one of my first creepy sort of roleplay, and I am rather fond of how everything turned out. Granted, I am sorry for the long construction process.

There is a short application process, but that is more for just checking out your style of writing. There are also only 4 open slots for people to take. This is an intermediate roleplay and if you have any questions about anything about this roleplay, please feel free to leave a comment on my profile, here or send me a PM. ^w^

Without further ado, let me introduce { k e y }


In a room with 4 others.

A tattoo on your hand- a key? That's new.
Never there before.

Is there a lock to this key?
A door? A chest? A safe?

Of course.
And you can open what you want with this key.
But only once, and it is gone.

And once it is gone, you are vulnerable
To the m o n s t e r s.

But if you match your key to the right lock...

This is a role play that will have a total of five players, each only with one character. Each character shall have a key tattooed on their hand- anywhere on said hand- and it will open a lock of their choosing within an endless hall of various locks- doors, chests, safes, lockers, boxes, diaries, ect. However, there is a perfect matching lock to the key they have and what lays behind it is the one thing they have always wanted.

But if you open the wrong door, that fate belongs to you and you release the monster inside (Not to say that monsters are usually inside). And those without a key become vulnerable to whatever monster's wrath.

There have been those before you, but none have found their lock, and they and their monsters still linger.