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Thread: NaNoWriMo

  1. #1
    Legendary Adventurer Strude's Avatar
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    It is nearly that time of year again NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, who is ready and who isn't?

    Are you participating?
    What are you writing?
    If you're not participating, what would you write if you were?
    Any suggestions on how to get the daily word count out?
    What keeps you motivated?
    Any writing music suggestions?

    All very important questions I wouldn't mind answered! >D
    Last edited by Strude; 10-31-2014 at 07:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
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    in bed, always

    I haven't participated in NaNoWriMo since high school, haha.

    But I really want to. So I'm just going to answer the questions as if I were participating (still haven't fully decided yet).

    1. Me.
    2. Fabulousness. I am writing fabulousness.
    3. Fabulousness. Nothing has changed.
    4. I'm assuming you're asking about reporting in, but we could just post it here on the thread. We can even write encouragements to each other, whine about wanting to head bash the nearest wall, and all that good stuff.

    5. Nothing. It's why I haven't participated since high school, lol.
    6. It kind of depends on what I'm writing, really. Haha, but Eye of the Tiger for when you REALLY need to get that word count met, lolol.

    I'm sorry, I'm not being very helpful, lol.

    It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
    what is essential is invisible to the eye.


  3. #3
    Famed Adventurer Cows Go Moo's Avatar
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    Who is participating?
    I'm going to try to and probably give up half-way through. I have 3/4 of it planned out but I'm having trouble with ending it definitively :c

    What are you writing?
    I had a really fascinating dream that I told everyone about because the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to figure it out. I decided the best thing to do was write some sort of outline of the events/world behind what the dream was about. After getting to the dream's events and that thing's ending but I felt like the characters of that story weren't done yet, so I've been trying to outline all the adventures thereafter to create a true resolution. Unfortunately I've been having problems with the final arc ):

    Any suggestions on how to get the daily word count out?
    Write, even if you don't want to or alternatively, milk the hell out of your inspirational moments. That's all I can think of because right now my biggest issue is underwriting.

    What keeps you motivated?
    Originally I was supposed to do this with my friend in high school but then I didn't so I might as well do it now.

    Any writing music suggestions?
    Depends on your character, but I'm planning on making a playlist for my project once it's done. For now I just listen to a lot of chill EDM and indie rock.

    The way I see it, NaNoWriMo will force me into a spot where I can finally end the story of these characters and give them a proper send off instead of slacking just because I've allegedly run the idea well dry. Even if that's a valid complaint a good writer has never given up just because things aren't coming to them at that moment.
    Current Status: Trying to be an adult but still lurking and whatnot.

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  4. #4
    Noble joonsexual's Avatar
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    in bed, always

    So, we're a few days in! How is everyone doing so far? Keeping up with the word count? Already behind? Or so far ahead that you're basically finished??

    I'll confess, I haven't written a word yet. I'm so screwed, haha.

    It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
    what is essential is invisible to the eye.


  5. #5
    Legendary Adventurer Strude's Avatar
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    AB, Canada
    I haven't written anything either. I hadn't intended to participate this year. I might start writing something tonight, I had a brief idea on the train today while heading home.

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