I know what you mean. I mean- my dream has always been to publish a book, and I can't because I never advance on solo stories. xD But oh well. RPing is too fun to quit. 8D

Ugghhh I can't stand repeating things either! Art or writing... I get told it's best to do things again and again and again, I just can't! I've already done it once! Leave me alone! *flails* lol
I still have to watch ytb tutorials for SAI. Ugh.

The only reason I didn't get super addicted to making games too was that I was far too lazy to hunt for fully free bg stuff and make art for it. But I had like a million ideas for games.
I did this test game, and I was like *_______________________* loooove. lol It was much easier than RPG Maker and the one I used before for that for the same purpose (Umh... somethingBook, I forget the name lol).

I still have renpy installed. Must not. Open it. xD