Title: Hells Game
Link: http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...190-Hells-Game
Rating: General Audience
Player Level: Intermediate

Hell of course is a horrid place, but not many that have entered Hell have lived to tell the tale.

The Devil was cast into hell by God during the beginning of the world, but hell could not stop the influence the devil has on the people living in their so called lie. the devil influenced by the sins the people opened the gates to all who dared to enter. Even though the devils physical being was forever damned in hell his evil presence draws people into his abyss to play Hells Game. Hells Game is a game of survival all who enter Hell must fight their way back to the surface or forever be trapped in hell ripped apart and tormented for all eternity.

So far no one has been able to find the door out of hell.