Unlike in most of the RPs, I feel that this one needs some explanation on the first post.
Zone District is "BETA version" of a street racing game we have planned and are testing out now.
We're currently looking for some new players!
Gess Jahd (character), Luneire (character), ||TOXYC|| (character) and Brook V (Character) are the players.
I also created an OOC thread so commenting on the game itself isn't necessary.
James walked down the street with his arms in cross and the collar of his jeans jacket flipped up to keep the wind out as it was a windy and cloudy day in [Zone District]. James was 5' 11" with green eyes and light brown hair. However he was unsure that the gel he putted in earlier would keep his hair as he wanted it because of the wind. He walked past a gray wall with the exception of a door or window now and then that ranged between brown, red and black. As he walked down the street he looked around with slight worry. He didn't like this part of the town. He had heard about people getting robbed or even murdered around here. Well, it wasn't that late but still...
James was on his way to pick up his uncle's car , which was a Lincoln MKZ from 2007, at a car shop nearby. The car had white varnish (on the outside) and inside it had white leather seats with an oak wood spline running along the panel. James smiled as he thought of that car. He would love to take it for a ride around town and make everybody awe him. Maybe take it for a spin... However that was probably the reason his uncle didn't want him to drive it, it was an expensive car. Unfortunately his uncle's schedule had forced him to trust James with the car. His uncle had warned him not to do anything stupid. The consequences would be severe. James was in his 20's but his uncle could still scare him. James had promised to keep the speed limits and be careful of the luxury car.
The car shop James was on his way was a bit famous around town. The workers on the shop was fast and always took extra care about the cars. It was owned by Steven Stein, who had a big interest in cars. It was a bit more expensive than other places but if you had the money, it was worth it.
James finally made it out of the monotone grayness and crossed the street, first making sure there was no cars around. After he had crossed the street he just had to walk a few meters/feet before he arrived to the car shop. There was a sign where it stood in red characters on a yellow background "Stein's Cars". You could repair and, now and then, buy cars at Stein's. James walked up to a red door beside one of two carports. After the two carports it was a fence with a door in it. That way lead to the backyard where Mr. Stein could have a car or two and sometimes car wrecks from which you could take parts and hopefully they still worked.
James opened the door and went into the shop. He looked around on some pictures of old cars before he walked up to the counter. Today Sarah (Smith) had the counter. She had short brown hair and blue eyes. Today she wore a blue & white flannel shirt and blue jeans. Mostly James saw her a bit oily and wearing an overall. She smiled at James and he asked about his uncle's car. She told James that he had to wait for a few as some of the workers gave it a final look over. James nodded and sat down by the table and picked up a car magazine he then started reading as he waited.
Last edited by Brook V; 07-15-2011 at 02:33 PM.
"Are you sure they'll have it?"
"Of course they should. I'm on the waiting list and I can't wait for that engine to be available. I need it now."
"But we're like...second on the list."
"Tojikome. I said I need it now." (((Tojikome = Shut Up))
Megumi and one of her pals walked into Stein's Cars, hands in each of their fitted biker jackets as they made their way inside the shop. Her short hair bouncing behind her as she stopped to take a look inside for a brief moment. She unzipped her black jacket, revealing her small blue Nyan Cat tee. Ironically, it was the same color that matched her 2006 Ford Mustang ((Think of Bumblebee from Transformers)), with two striped white decals going down the middle of the car. which was sitting out in the parking lot under the gloomy sky. She hated being on the waiting list of any kind, and even being at Stein's Cars made her seem desperate. In all actuality, she was. She was in the process of rebuilding one of her Father's cars, a 1964 Chevy Impala Convertible. Finding parts to the classic car was a bit hectic, but Megumi and her team stuck it out. All they needed was the new engine before it could be used on the streets. And if Megumi would have been patient enough to wait for it to arrive at her shop, the new engine would have been in her possession that next month. Unfortunately, she was a bit antsy to finish her latest project.
The shop was a bit larger than the one she owns on the other side of town. Or so she though. Her closest friend and co-owner, Nicolas Ancelotti, thought otherwise. "Eh, we could always expand to a new lot." He said in his cool yet sly Italian accent as he sat in a seat next to James, who seemed to be reading a car magazine. Megumi scoffed."Right. Whatever you say." She then said. Walking towards the front desk, she eyes Sarah and gives a small wave, with Sarah returning the favor."Hey Megumi. Guess you're here to see Steven right?" The woman asks. Megumi shakes her head as she continues. "He's out at the moment. But if you could wait for a moment, he should be back soon.""Damn. Alright, we'll wait. Thanks." Megumi then goes back the way she came, and stands next to Nicholas while they wait.
Alasdair backed to the parking square as sloppily as usually and to prove himself better fixed the positioning before stood up from the car. At times like this he was actually happy that heating system was a joke on his Honda, since leaving a warm car to this cold breeze would've been a struggle.
His father was a loyal customer at the Stein's despite of cheaper shops also excisting for every day cars like their current Mazda was. Alasdair had always a bit childishly pretended to himself that he was checking up on a car the Stein was tuning up for him, not picking up more every day parts like headlight bulbs or motor oil.
Alasdair looked around in the asphalt parking lot and saw a beautiful Mustang on the other side. He was sure about seeing it before but couldn't attach it to a person. Probably some work acquintance of his dad's which visited their house every now and then, Alasdair shrugged a bit to himself and started walking towards the building. It was clean and nice looking all around, which probably was one of the reasons it was so popular even if you could have gone to a gas station for the same parts.
He opened the door after brushing his feet politely to the red door mat and walked directly to the counter. "Hello, Sarah! Would you happen to have the parts for my dad's car yet?" he asked right away and showed a copy of the order list. While Sarah was checking, Alasdair turned around and looked at the people in the shop. Seeing so many multiple familiar faces suprised him.
"Heya, all... How's it going?" Alasdair asked but didn't wait for an answer because he suddenly realized something and continued "Megumi, isn't that your Mustang outside? I knew I had seen it before! Have you had it for long?"
James hadn't paid much interest when Megumi and her friend had walked into the shop as he had been too busy reading in the magazine. Currently he read an interesting article about sport-cars. James wished he had a sports-car, perhaps even a Ferrari. But he didn't got the money. He sighed before the bell over the door rang once more. It was an high pitched and electronic sound, not a real bell. He glanced over the magazine and around the room.
He saw that Megumi was leaning towards the wall and her friend sat next to James. He also noticed that Megumi had colored her hair green. It made her look a bit dangerous but he knew she was a good person. He knew Megumi since earlier. They had meet on a car convention he went to with his uncle.
James uncle Charles (all though he prefer to be be called Charlie) shared James interest in cars. It was something James father didn't. Thinking about his father, George Sr., pained and angered James.
As he looked around the room a bit more he then noticed a guy with black, Mohawk styled hair. After another look he noticed it was someone James had met before. His name was Alasdair and they had knew each other for a few years. they were close in age, James being a year older. He smiled a bit because there was many friends of his in the room. Then Alasdair turned and asked how it was going. James laid the magazine at the brown table next to him and nodded before he answered.
"It's going well Alasdair, just waiting for my uncle's car to be fixed." Then he gave Megumi a nod. "When did you colored your hair green?" He then added quickly that it suited her well.
Dawn leaned on the front desk counter staring out the front door to the street. She sighed as she watched the random car pass by. It was an overcast day with plenty of clouds meaning it was slower around her hotel. No one to be found in the pool and most people didn't care to make the trip up front for the free breakfast offered. The one place, however, that was getting customers was Stein's. She could see it down the street about five or six shops over. She saw a lot of the same cars drive up there often. Dawn was sure she'd even seen some cars that belonged to people she knew.
It was only one more hour until she got off. Dawn stared up at the clock watching it tick away. "Well I guess I'll clean up .." she said as she reached for the broom. Her boss was always complaining about keeping the lobby area clean. Dawn popped in a mixed CD with trance music and started dancing across the floor sweeping up any dirt. She swirled around watching the clouds pass out the large windows hoping no one would see her yet she didn't stop.
Dawn sometimes loved the large windows on cloudy or rainy days but on clear sunny days it was always too bright in the office. She noticed that a couple from the back section was bringing their bags down. "Time for check out~" she sang as she put the broom back in the storage closet for cleaning supplies, towels, and toilet paper. The computer was being slow as she got ready to put their room as vacant again and collect their cards.
The couple came into the lobby from the back door carrying their luggage and setting it down by the front desk. Dawn smiled at the couple and asked, "How was your stay?", as she collected their keys and started to close out their room.
"It was good thank you," the friendly couple replied, "Thank you. Take care." they said as they picked up their suit cases and left to pack their car.
Dawn smiled and waved, "Thank you. Have a nice day." After she was done with the computer she looked back up at the clock and some how it had been already twenty minutes. "Well.. okay.. that's not too bad." Dawn smiled with a sigh and started organizing the desks random papers and cards.
One who encounters tradegy can become a great force.
Megumi nodded at Alasdair, smiling as she folded her arms. "Yea'. That's me. I dunno how long I've had it. About 5 years I think?" She shrugged casually. It was her first car no doubt, and she felt kinda bad that she has neglected it for so long. But this car was indeed special to her. She'd hate to get it damaged in any way.
Nodding towards Alasdair, Megumi asked her own question. "Guess you're lookin' for parts too eh'?" She smiled. By this time, Nicolas excused himself from the shop to take a smoke break. Megumi hated that he smoked, but she also hated that he was a pain in the ass when he didn't. "Geez, I'd wish he'd quit already." She thought quietly.
As Megumi ran a hand through her colorful hair, there was a voice that startled her for a second. Looking down, Joseph had his gaze fixed onto her, smiling as he complimented her new hair color. She chuckled. "Ah. Thanks. It's green and pink actually." She then un-tucked some of her hair that seemed to be caught in her jacket. It wasn't a lot of hair, but there were a few layers of pink hair underneath the neon green. "Wasn't really a best choice. But...I guess it's better than the rainbow."
She laughs as she pointed to her shirt; the cartoon-ish black cat with a pink poptart smiled playfully with a rainbow coming from its behind. If James hadn't spoken to her, Megumi would never have noticed him sitting there. He looked different from the last time they had seen each other. She had to admit, he was a bit cute. She would never admit it though. Not only would it save her the embarrassment, but it would make Megumi look soft. Whatever that meant.
"What kind of car does your uncle have exactly, James? And Megumi, really? You must have been careful with driving it during the years, I guess. Not blaming though, I would too if I had such a car!" Alasdair smiled and got stuck to his thoughts for a while.
His current car was waiting to break down at any second but he couldn't afford a new one in years. His parents also said he didn't need another kind of car, probably also to make it impossible for him to get in trouble for speeding or something. He also knew that in ten years or so he most likely would have a family and then seats would beat horse power 10-0, neither they could afford a second car for him to drive for fun in the beginning. Then he'd be a boring adult with a need for a black car of any brand and...
Alasdair sighed a bit and decided it would be wiser not to think such things since it wasn't even sure if any of that would come true.
"And mmhm, but I'm just picking up some parts for dad. Not for real need but we keep a stock of things in the garage", Alasdair smiled to his dad's way of planning everything in advance.
Alasdair had some luck with him and Sarah came back with all the parts. He paid them right away with cash his dad had given him for it. Then his stomach made a loud growling sound that without a doubt could be heard all around the waiting room. Alasdair coughed looking a bit awkward and felt like he would have to explain.
"Ahhmm, I didn't have time to get any breakfast this morning since I have to be at work this evening and... Do you know any good place nearby?", he said and tried to make others think about food places rather than his stomach making sounds.
The time had passed by slowly as Dawn did random things around the office. No one else had checked out. Not that she expected any to do so. There weren't very many people staying there right now. She looked up at the clock and smiled. Only 5 minutes until she was free. Just as she thought about leaving the guy taking the next shift walked in. She turned out and smiled, "Welcome." she said jokingly. "Are you ready to work?" she grinned.
He let out a small light groan. He knew it'd be a slow dull day. "Yea yea.. get out of here already would ya?" he said waving his hand toward the front door.
"Nice to see you too," Dawn smiled as she grabbed her bad and swung it over her shoulder. "Don't worry you'll be fine," she joked. Of course he'd be fine it's not like it was the first slow day. "Alright Mike I'm out I'll see you later." as she pulled her keys out of her pocket and walked out the front door setting off the little bell that went off every time someone came in or left.
Dawn took a deep breath of the air and she unlocked her car door. She loved this car though she didn't know much about it. Before she owned the dark grey '97 RX-7 had belonged to her older brother. He left it for her knowing she'd always liked it when he left.
Dawn sat her bag on the passenger seat and closed the door sitting down staring ahead blankly for a moment listening to the music playing. She sighed and felt while she was out she should pick up something to eat. "I'll probably just eat somewhere close by and then go for a drive," she thought out loud.
People had always told her she was weird for talking to herself but she never cared. Dawn turned on the car and backed out slowly since she still hadn't decided where to eat. She turned left and just drove slowly since no one was really in the street at the moment.
One who encounters tradegy can become a great force.
Megumi rubbed her chin as she began to think of some good eating spots. She did love Ray's Rib Shack, but they were kinda busy at this time of the year. It would take at least one thousand years to even place a order at the famous place. Finally thinking of the best choice, Megumi blurted out, "There's a good dining spot just a few blocks from here. I believe it's called Chowhound. Great food, but reservations are a b**** to make. I can call ahead if you want? The owner owes me a favor anyway." She stared at Alasdair as she was speaking.
"Ha, Chowhound. You'll be better off at IHOP." Nicolas said as he walked back into the shop. Nodding at Alasdair, he sat back down next to Joseph, who was just in a brief conversation with Megumi. "Ay' Joey. Long time, no see?" He smiled.
James nodded slowly and a small smile reached his face. "That's true, rainbow colored might not be a good idea for hair color," he told Megumi. He then turned to answer Alasdair with small shook on his head. "Hey we're buddies, don't James me," he said with a small chuckle. "Just call me Flash." He then got serious and told Alasdair that his uncle had many cars, at least 3. The car he was picking up was a Lincoln MKZ 2007 which was an exclusive (and expensive) car. James face lit up as he told Alasdair about the car. His uncle owned his own successful company and therefore earned a lot. In other words, he got the money to spend (on cars). "How about you? Still drive that rusty thing? Or do you drive something better now?" James then asked Alasdair. He didn't ask Megumi about her car. He knew what she drove. Powerful but expensive cool cars.
Then Sarah told Alasdair that the parts were ready and he turned towards her to picked them up. As Alasdair turned to Sarah, James went out from the chair he had been siting in for the last 20 mins. While Alasdair was talking with Sarah, James walked over to them. After Alasdair was done James was going to ask Sarah about his uncle's car. He knew it could take time but he hated siting around and not doing anything.
He assumed Alasdair had be served before him because Alasdair was just going to pick up some stuff. Or perhaps Sarah had a crush on the dark haired guy? James smirked a bit at the thought.
As he walked over to the counter, along the red carpet which lead up to it, he heard Alasdair's stomach grumble. Alasdair's explained that he missed breakfast. James shook his head and said: "You got to eat man." Then he added: "I know a place just down the street from here called Pasta Plaza. Think it's along street 12? They got different pasta dishes and salads." He then heard Megumi's suggestion. James had never been to Chowhound. It could be fun to test something new... as long as it wasn't too expensive. As a student he didn't got a big budget. "Never been there, could be fun to test it," James said and smiled at Megumi. Then he asked a bit more precariously if it was expensive.
"Yeaah, I still drive that rusty old thing", Alasdair sighed between his teeth.
"Despite of working part-time and living still with my parents, I can't afford any new vehicle what so ever. I don't know if I even could get anything back from the Honda... Not at least more than 30 bucks from someone feeling sorry for me", he ended up grinning.
Alasdair listened James asking about the food places and figured others must've been at least a bit hungry too. "How about us all going together for lunch in somewhere? I wouldn't mind babbling more with you and I really have to kill some more hours before the work. Ment to go pick up this and that from market but it can wait for tomorrow..." Alasdair nodded to himself and felt a bit proud about his idea too.
Alasdair didn't see any of the people in the waiting room as his closest friends but they indeed knew about cars and all of them had always some new fun or interesting stories to share. Sometimes they were also unintentionally educative for someone who never really had done much with cars and who hadn't seen much of the world yet. Mainly all things talked were related either to different vehicles or school things when it came to James.
Alasdair turned and asked also Sarah to join them but she was obviously at work and turned down the offer with a bit sad kind of a smile.
"Sucks man. Can't say my car is fancy either, with my budget," James sighed. He missed his old metallic sliver colored Saturn SC 1999. It had looked cool and were faster than his current GMC. He loved that car but he had been forced to get rid of it. "Yeah, we could go somewhere, if everybody is up for it?" James then added. He felt a bit hungry too.
The only one in the room he saw as a friend was Alasdair. Megumi was a cool girl but she was his uncle's friend. He didn't knew much of her as they wasn't very close. She was a few years older than James but younger than his uncle. His uncle was quite young, only 37 years. He was the youngest of his father's siblings. James father was one of four siblings, three guys and one girl. His aunt worked as a nurse in town and she always said that she dared the day James would come in after an accident. James mostly shrugged that off, he was careful. Then his father had a older brother who was in the Navy and then it was Charlie.
A smile of a winner landed on Alasdairs face when James told about not being pleased with his car.
"There is no way your car would be worse than mine so don't even try to say things like that to me!" he said with fake annoyed voice and grinned. He had come into really good moods already and having a lunch with these guys could be nothing else than great fun.
Alasdair kept going on with his talking joking around with the fact that he worked in a fast food place and never ate in there by himself. After couple of jokes he gave up though and admitted that their food wasn't bad. It was just that he always felt like being at work when he entered the place.
"Ahh, well, we have to leave in a half of an hour or so", Alasdair looked at the crome framed clock on the wall and also checked the time from his cellphone. It was old and simple one without any fancy things, but like his car it did the most important.
"Do you guys think you'll take long? I mean I could go to what ever place you choose and order for all already while you get things solved in here. It takes a while for them to get anything out to customers since it is after all the lunch time."
"At least it doesn't risk falling apart like your Honda," James said and chuckled. He listened to Alasdair's jokes about that fast food place he worked at. James rolled his eyes, he had heard them before. He worked at a local 7-Eleven. He didn't go there much in his free time either so he could understand what Alasdair were about. He glanced at the clock as Alasdair mentioned how much time it was.
"I have to pick up my uncle's car first and drive it home before we can go and eat anywhere. He would kill me if something happened to it," James replied. He tighten his jaw nervously. He knew how expensive the car was. "I don't know if the place Megumi mentioned have take away," he then added with a questioning look at Megumi.
"Yea, that must be a great plus... Not to have keep duct tape in the glove box", Alasdair pondered trying to look serious. Then he nodded to what James told about the car. He would have been very worried if he had to drive an expecive car like that. Especially since it just had got work done on it and it was owned by someone else.
"Ahh, I thought we eat at the place... We could go somewhere too, though. That way I could buy what ever you guys want and then we'd get together at somewhere", Alasdair shrugged. He just wanted food as fast as possible and spend time with these people in the hopes of learning things and getting to know them better.
"Uhm, do you have your car at your uncle's place or do you need a lift?" Alasdair realized to ask. "I don't think anyone dares to come in my Honda besides me but I guess someone of us could drive you if needed, right?"
Last edited by Gess Jahd; 08-03-2011 at 03:05 PM.
"Yeah, deffo," James said with another chuckle. "Or spare oil in the truck," he then joked. Jame then scratched his chin thinking about the food question. As he didn't knew how that place Megumi suggested was he couldn't answer. He knew his favorite place, the pasta restaurant, had take away. "Yeah," he then replied to Alasdair. "Don't worry, I got my own car at my uncle's place. Thanks for the offer though. Your Honda can't be that bad?" he then asked and shook his head amused.
"That is a good point as well", Alasdair nodded and then laughed out loud when remembered that he actually really did have an oil canister in the trunk. He had made a bit longer trip to his godmother's house couple of weeks back and hadn't dared to leave with this and that in case of problems occurring with the car in the middle of nowhere.
"Ahh, well... The few chicks from ages back whom I tried to take to a date slammed the door in front of my nose after seeing it. I guess I should lie not to have a car at all if interested girl appears again some day", he shrugged with an suffering expression while remembering these couple of painful experiences. It also might have been that he always picked up the interest of girls that liked bling and glamour for some unexplainable reason.
"You have a tank with oil in your truck?" James said with a laugh. He knew Alasdair complained over his car but was it really that bad? Perhaps he should help finance a new car for him. Bu he hadn't got the money. At least he got a car. James knew a few who didn't have that and always asked to borrow his car. He only borrowed to people he could trusted though,.
"Can't say I've had that problem though... but I've lost a date now and then for other reasons," he then added, thinking back. It was a subject he refrained from talking about. Wouldn't be good for his confidence to spread that stuff around.
Dawn decided to drive around and check out all the near by places. She was feeling very indecisive suddenly.
While making sure no on was around she grabbed her hair band and pulled on it to free her hair from the pony it was up in.
She took one hand and slowly massaged her head.
Dawn reached over and rolled the windows down on the left side letting the breeze cool her face as she tried to think of eating at each place and if it sounded good or not.
One who encounters tradegy can become a great force.
Alasdair nodded to the oil thing and then shrugged when James mentioned losing his dates. He knew what it was like and didn't think about it more neither hold it any way against the guy.
"Man, I think we better get going for real now... I will go at least", Alasdair smiled. "I'm going to just go to the first place that I see, is open and isn't too fancy. The end", he said with a impatient tone of voice and another big stomach growl gave the decision its seal.
"If you happen to stumble upon the same place, feel free to join the table. Byes!" he said before opened the door. He tossed the things on the back of the car, started the engine and drove off the yard. After five minutes of driving around the area, he spotted a decent looking place with roomy parking area and that set the deal for him.
He hold the door open to a woman around her age and smiled to her politely while at it. He wouldn't need to figure out the policies and habits of this food place himself, when he could follow the woman's example.
James gave Alasdair a nod as he left. He wasn't that hungry, just a bit. However he really needed to drive the car back to his uncle's place before he though James was out cruising. Then Sarah waved to him from across the room. James gave her a smile and walked up to the counter. She handed over the keys and told him the car was ready. James gave her a nod and paid for it. Not with his own money obviously but with money he got from his uncle. He then walked out of the shop and over to the car. He sighed at the view, it was a might fine and expensive car. He got into the car and drive away from the shop. After several blocks of driving he arrived at his uncle's place. James parked the car and stepped out. He gave a nod to his uncle who greeted him. Charlie inspected the car before giving Jame an appreciated smile. They exchanged a few words before James walked down to his own car. Once again he sighed but that was because his car was so crappy. He opened the car door and frowned at the rust on the car door. He needed to fix that soon.
After he had got into the car he drove away. With nowhere to go, he decided to cruise around a bit. After awhile he was back in the same block the shop lied in. As it had taken half an hour so he guessed Alasdair was in the middle of his lunch. Instead James parked the car on a parking lot. He remembered it was a kiosk nearby. He could go there and buy a sandwich and check if any new magazine he used to read had come in. James got out of the car and locked it before walking over to the kiosk. As he got there he started to browse through the different magazines.