Hello again everyone. Yes I have disappeared again. v.v
Mostly because I don't really have any role-plays to join in. And Well..I'm shy with group ones.
Or they are too far ahead for me to join. -Doesn't Join groups if there is more then ten pages-

But here is a little bit about me in case you know you want to learn more about me.
My name is Renee, I am eighteen years old. I have been with my current boyfriend for nine months now.
I am not only a writer but also an artist. Not too good of one but I'm practicing more.
I usually write novels. Romance involved. Sometimes Fantasy. I love werewolves, demons, angels, and vampires. Not too fond of fairies. Never could get into them. I love the shows Teen wolf, Supernatural, Once Upon a time[I am a huge fan of fairy tales], And I am also a cat lover more then a dog lover. x3

Um..not sure what else to share so for now that will do.
And also I am not sure if you can do this but is it possible to get my name changed? o3o