I've been MIA for a while (pretty much six months) and, upon my return, I've noticed a new fad, profile applications. Now I'm used to reservations and profile skeleton formats but this application process is a bit interesting to me. Where exactly did this originate from and what are its pros and cons? Is this fad (I'm calling it a fad for lack of better terms) something that will stick around and become a usual part of the roleplay process?

I mean, I get the premise. A creator wants to get a feel for the character, the roleplayer, and his/her ability and availability. I see nothing wrong with that but, at the same time, I'm sure there are some negatives associated with this. As with everything, there's always one side and the other.

I guess I'm just curious as to what people think. Do you like this new step to the roleplay process? Or are you against it? Let's keep this discussion casual and lighthearted. Simply state your opinions (politely) and get a feel for how people view the step.

So yeah, let's discuss

My thoughts on it? I feel like it's a bit... well, of a barrier, especially for someone who doesn't know their availability. I feel it automatically disqualifies me from joining anything as my availability fluctuates far too often. One week I'm on 24/7 and the next, not at all. I totally get why this is important but I feel like there's more important aspects to a roleplay than how often someone can post. I don't know... I just feel like it's an unnecessary step. But that's just me. Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, which is why I'm hoping to discuss this some.

But, like I said, I can see its practicality. It helps you determine how often someone will post and how responsive they will be. It's also a great way to test if people are following rules. And, as some point out, it saves people from making a profile for it to get declined.